One Womans Trash, Another Man's treasure 7 ❤️‍🔥 Royal!Bucky

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Song: Ramin Djawadi - the crown of Jaeharys.

Warnings: mentions of past trauma, angst, little fluff, Victoria tries... but will she succeed? Happy ending? Character death.


(A week later)

'Your majesty... Mrs. Butters has taken care of Y/n, she is to be buried within the next hour...' the servant girl tells Victoria.

'Fate is on my side then ...' she mutters as she looks at her own reflection. 'And as soon as Steve's friend is executed, he will only have eyes for me...' she hums happily, a sinister smirk covering her face. 'Well we still need a way to tame his knight... but we will deal with him later...' she waves it off easily.

She stands up, her dress flowing to the ground gracefully. She turns to look out of the window. The smirk only spreads further upon seeing the courtyard.

The gallows has been set up. The people are slowly drooping in and are guided to the benches, she intends to make this a public event, showing the people once again what happens if they disobey their queen.

'How do I look?' She turns to the servant girl again. 'Wonderful, powerful...your grace...'

'perfect... then let's head down and be done with this...once and for all...'


Mrs.Butters gasps as she looks at you.

After taking care of you the entire week, using her knowledge of healing herbs and potions, she has gotten you back to the point where you can stand and speak.

'My girl, your father would have been so proud of you..' she smiles as she cups your cheeks.

'It's not over yet... what if the people do not believe-'

'Nonsense! This has been going on long enough, they just need to be reminded of their true queen... that is going to save her king-'

'Whoa, he's not my-'

'That man is infatuated with you, he adores you and as this situation proves, would do anything for you..' she nudges your chin with her vinger like she did when you were a child, you smile at her and nod.

'I can't believe you managed to salvage the crown... my fathers crown..'

'It suits you better than any other...Sam, would you mind escorting our queen outside?' She turns to Steven and Bucky's knight and recently, your friend.

'It would be an honor...' he bows and you courtesy. He offers you his arm and you take it.


'Welcome my people!' Victoria raises her voice and immediately all sound dies in the courtyard.

'I am afraid before we proceed with the execution of this traitor..' she hisses at Bucky being held back by her guards. 'I have an announcement to make... your lovely... former queen.. Y/n, has passed a couple days ago and has been buried today...she will be remembered... or not.. anyway!' She clasps her hands together while the people gasp in horror and shock.

Steve swallows the lump in his throat at her words. He has to pretend to love this monster with his whole chest and he despises it, especially upon seeing the reaction your death drawls out of your people. Some cry, some get angry and others can't do anything else but stare at Victoria.

'Now onto the execution! Pay close attention people! This is what happens when you attack your queen, when you speak ill of your queen!'

James gets pushed onto the platform, it creeks under his feet, he can't help but feel scared that his plan did not work, that you did not get better and that you're indeed dead. But he holds hope, he knows little about you, but he knows just enough about your fury towards Victoria, and that if you're alive, you will come to end her and save him.

Victoria watches with a sinister smirk on her lips as they get him ready. The rope gets tied around his neck and Steve turns his head. He cannot stand to watch this.

'STOP!' Your voice rings through the courtyard making everyone halt in their step.

James secretly thanks the gods as he watches you emerge from the castle. Dressed in royal clothing for a change. A beautiful dress, fit for a queen. You're even wearing a crown and for James it's like falling in love all over again.

The people gasp and cheer as you walk down the steps and towards your stepsister. 'You!' She seethes.

'Me...' you nudged Sam to go to James, and he follows your order. Steve follows shortly after Sam to check on his friend.

'This has been going on long enough... the people know it and you know it... do you honestly think I was dead? I mean I did get close, but you will never kill me, not as long as I get remembered...'

'You wear a crown yet you don't have a claim on the throne... I destroyed everything after poisoning your father...' She snaps at you.

'Kill her!' Someone in crowd yells, and it chaos fro there on. People trying to reach her while she tries to get away.

You don't pay attention to it anymore, your head is turned towards James who is coming your way. He makes it up the steps before he runs up to you to hug you.

He spend a week alone in those dungeons while Mrs.Butters took care of you, and he has been worried ever since they took you away.

'When she told me you were dead... I thought I had truly lost you...'

'She needed to suspect nothing of our plan.. I am sorry...' you breathe a reply as you cling to him even tighter.

'I have to admit that I was scared you weren't going to be my savior.. but here you are...'

'I was scared for long enough... I guess I needed the right person to motivate me...' you chuckle as you cup his cheeks.

'That's snowstorm had good timing then...'

'I suppose...' you nod.

His head slowly turns and a proud smile makes it to his lips. He nudged his head and when yours turns you quietly gasp. There are your people, kneeling before you. Kneeling before their queen.

'All hail the Queen!' One yells with the others following his command.

You hold onto Bucky's hand in complete shock and awe. Your mouth opens and closes because you simply don't know what to say. And all Bucky gives you is a proud smile as he squeezes your hand.

You step forward and make it down the steps with Bucky's help, right down to your people. They gather around you, smiling and cheering, trying to touch you, but in a respectful way.

You wonder if this is the same love your father felt from them, for a split second you feel his presence with you, guiding you. Like a fresh breath of air.

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