The Other Side part 5 ❤️‍🔥 Biker!Avengers and others...

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Song: Hans Zimmer - the cistern.

Warnings; some shit is gonna go down and it's not going to be pretty. And it's not the end!

[ Present day, Avengers Clubhouse ]

'You did what? Are you insane?!' Natasha yells at Dolores.

'Oh come on! I saved us from that guy!'

'No.. no you didn't... you made this worse! Why?!' Bucky barks at her. 'Do you have any idea what you've done?'

Dolores shrinks under his intimidating stare. That's not the easy to manipulate Bucky anymore. He's back to being the same guy as when they met. Back to being here completely.

Luckily Dolores had a plan, she executed it already. It's just a matter of time before you find Bucky, to find all of them. She made it look like he did it, you'll never forgive him. You'll kill him if you get the chance. If she can't have him then nobody can.

'She's probably on her way here... she will not try to talk.. you know this right?' Steve lowly whispers to Bucky. 'We should go... create some distance...' Bucky turns his head to Steve and shakes it a little.

'No... no we're going to wait... we come up with a contain her...'

'You think she's going to let us contain her? Bucky she's going to be unhinged... did you not see what she did to Rumlow and his little Christmas elves?'

'Everyone saw Steve...'

'And they didn't even kill someone she loved.. they beat her up...and she send them straight to Satan...' he pulls Bucky away from Dolores.

Natasha isn't quite finished with her though. Because of her she lost her best friend. She had to watch her best friend lay on a bed with bandages covering almost her entire body. All because she manipulated Bucky into sending you away. And now she killed the one man that still gave you comfort, that kept you somewhat in check.

'I hope you know what you did... I hope you know how screwed you really are...'

'How screwed I am? I simply defended myself out there..'

'You're lying...' Nats brow tweaks a little. 'You didn't have to defend yourself did you?'

Dolores rolls her eyes at Natasha but she's not even convinced in the slightest that this was an act of self defense. The barrel was way too hot for firing one or two shots.

Dolores is about to answer when the power gets cut off, leaving them in complete and total darkness. 'Fuck...' Bucky swears under his breath.

There's some knocking on the door. Everyone turns their head. Bucky swallows audibly. It has to be you, who else could it be.

'Find the backup generator... Now...' Bucky tells Tony as he slowly walks over to the door.

Bucky takes out his gun as his hand reaches the doorknob. He pulls the door open but to his surprise, there's nobody there.

Dolores steps back. Her whole body is coated with cold sweat when she sees something dangling in the doorway. The light of the street lamps reflects off of the pendant she would recognize everywhere. Her hand goes up to her neck to check. 'Shit...' she mutters.

Marvel Imagines pt. 5حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن