Consequences of ones actions (7) ❤️‍🔥 mob!avengers

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Song: Rema - calm down

Warnings: typical mob stuff, some fluff with a sprinkle of angst, mentions of past events.

You really shouldn't be doing this. He hurt you and disappointed you. You spend months trying to cope with him and his decisions.

You have had a six year break for him, that's what it feels like now because you're almost acting as if everything is back to the way it used to be, only now there's Anna adding into the mix.

He's been trying, you have to give him that. He's been the man he used to be and you adore it. He's good with Anna and with you. Anna likes living here and has made that pretty damn noticeable.

You'd be taking her away from a nice home, a living family, you'd be taking her back to an empty apartment, back to you being gone all day and stressed out after returning.

'Hey.. what's going on?' Steve asks when he sees you sunken in thoughts, leaning against the doorframe and watching your daughter play with her uncle.

'Hey... nothing I was just-'

'In your head again...' he answers for you. God this man knows you too well. 'You wanna talk about it? I'm sure Anna wouldn't mind staying here and maybe we can walk around the house, get you some exercise- NOT that you need that..'

You chuckle quietly at his nervous blabbering. You know he doesn't mean for your figure, the kidnapping just took a lot out of you so that's why he's suggesting it. 'It's a good idea..' you assure him.

He sighs in relief before offering his arm as support, you happily take it and so you're now starting your little walk together.

'So tell me everything...'

'I'm just overthinking a lot of things...' You sigh. 'About going back to my apartment, continuing with life...'

'Tell me..' his voice is soft, like his voice used to be before the fight. It brings up a warm feeling in your chest.

'Anna seems happy here, she has no interest in hiding it..' you chuckle slightly. 'I don't want to take her away from that... no matter how much I want things to be normal again...'

'She could visit...' he suggests. 'She's always are you...'

You nod. 'It's not just that though, she has family here, she's safe here...and if I compare to what she will have when we leave.. it's nothing.. on my part... I have no family left...'

'It isn't nothing, she's had the same at your place, you've been safe and she's happy wherever you two are, she told me so... look, give it some more time to think about it...I'm in no rush..'

'No, I know you aren't... it seems you're enjoying having Anna around-'

'Anna and you...' he cuts you off and you smile at him.

'Strangely, I'm enjoying my time here as well.. it starts to feel like it did a couple years ago... I don't know...' you shake it off. 'Maybe it's the medicine...'

'Or maybe it isn't...' he replies and you stop walking.

'I knew this was coming... it's been hanging over our heads... hasn't it?'

He shrugs. 'A little...'

'Okay... then lets... talk about this...' you point to the bench up ahead. He helps you make it over there before carefully helping you sit.

'I know it doesn't mean shit... but what I did all those years ago... I feel awful... you were right as always, I should've listened to you... I was just afraid and I shouldn't have let that come between our marriage...'

You listen carefully as he turns his head down in shame. You watch him fiddle with his fingers and it's then that you notice the wedding band still on his finger, just not the ring finger.

'And then I saw Anna and I just... I had a meltdown, and not a pretty one either... and then the whole thing with Peggy... I'm glad Bucky showed me the truth or else I would've lost you... and probably Anna too.. she's really protective of you, you know?'

You nod, not that he really sees but you agree with him.

'When she told me that this was your plan I.. I got thrown right into the feeling I had when you kicked me out... but somewhere I knew she had to be lying... and I don't exactly blame only you for what happened... but it still hurts... just promise me to never do that again... just communicate...'

'What are you saying then?' He asks, still not turning his head to look at you.

'I am saying...' you drawl out as your hand goes up to his chin, you turn his head and his eyes finally meet yours. 'That...I actually already made up my mind just now, about staying here...permanently...if you'll let me...'

He stays silent, eyes big and mouth slightly agape. 'Please tell me I didn't miscalculate this oh god-' You already are moving to our your face in your hands when his face survives forward.

His hand shoots up to your cheek while he plants a kiss on your lips. A kiss full of desperation, of love and sorrow, tenderness paired with a certain roughness.

It feels like coming home.

Bucky clears his throat from beside you making Steve slowly, and very angrily look up. 'What?'

'I'm very happy for you... but we've received a threat... and I think we should take this one seriously...'

'Depends on who its from...'

'It's from Sharon Carter... Peggy's niece...the one you rejected...'

'Shit...where's Anna?'

'We've got her in her room, heavily guarded... but we need to make sure Sharon won't even breath wrong in this direction...'

'Just when everything was going right...' Steve mutters before helping you up again.

'We will be fine Steve...'

'I know...'

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