Live, Hydra, Love (3) ❤️‍🔥

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Song: TFATWS Soundtrack - fraying edges

Warning: mentions of past Hydra life, fbi search capabilities, weird situations, angst, anger, flashbacks.


You don't know wether to cheer or to cry as your eyes stare holes into the screen in front of you.

There's a picture of you, with the name Y/n Y/l/n. And underneath it, it's labelled "experiment, subject 28A". Which is quite the find considering that you're actually searching on a laptop and not a computer from the avengers.

Speaking of those avengers, the two men that came over at Miss Wilson's house last night just happen to be one themselves. So naturally you looked into them as well.

Many news articles popped up with their names in it, they've been causing quite the sensation the past few weeks. What interested you most was the Winter Soldier, the man that claimed to know you yesterday.

James Buchanan Barnes has been freed from Hydra's grasp. Which means that he could know you from that place. He become an avenger after that, must be nice.

You're scanning through some of the documents when a headline catches your eye. You click on the article. 'BLACK WIDOW PUBLISHES MOST OF HYDRA AND SHIELDS FILES'

Maybe you could find out some more of your time there. You click the link that should bring you to the files. But you're met with a nice white page, in the corner stands some kind of error code.

'Well that's anticlimactic...' you sigh as you lean back. 'What do I do now?'

Where do they even keep those kind of files anymore? SHIELD is dead, HYDRA destroyed the remainder of the files you presume and the Stark tower has been sold a long time ago.

Your head turns to the window when bright sunlight shines through. It's a good day today, it's been raining most of the week, maybe you should take a little stroll?

Your head tilts down to look at the open notebook right next to the laptop. There's new information scribbled down into it, like two full pages. That's worth a break right?

Clear your head a little, maybe get some new insights as to where you could get those files. You nod then and get up.

You hop into your shoes and grab your coat from the rack and put it over your arms. You check for the keys and make your way outside.

A few blocks away and your head starts to drain of the many heavy thoughts. You're getting that fresh air as You walk over to the nearest park and sit down on one of the many benches.

Your eyes scan over the peaceful environment. You sit there and soak it all in. A small smile grazes your face when two small children rush past you.

'Mommy!' The girl yells.

Your whole body goes tense from the sound. 'Mommy!'

'Baby! Don't let them hurt you okay? Don't let them see your weakness!' A woman yells back. 'I love you!'

You see them dragging the woman away, you remember it specifically.

It's a flash, it's over in a second but its one of your memories coming back to you.

You've had loads of those small memories since you got to New York. Just flashes of places and sometimes people. They're followed by these headaches.

'Cat?' The familiar voice makes you look up, you felt her before you even saw her which is weird. Again. Why do you keep happening to feel things before they've happened.

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