Live, Hydra, Love (part 8) ❤️‍🔥 Bucky/Avengers

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Song: Dorian Marko - interstellar (piano)

Warnings: smut, fluff, angst.

I'm sorry it takes a long time to update! But here it is!


You can feel it, lips traveling over your body. You feel hair trailing over your skin as well as stubble, it makes you shiver, goosebumps appear on your skin.

You hear heavy breathing, you hear your heart beat out of your chest. You feel the need to smile. A soft smile.

'ya tebya lyublyu' it's a familiar voice, deep and groggy but it's oh so familiar.

It's confusing, the feelings you feel at that moment. You feel so much love and adoration, you feel sadness and sorrow but you also feel somewhat happy? It's indescribable.

'James...' it's a breathy moan, coming from you. 'Ah-are you sure?'

'skazhi mne ostanovit'sya i Ya' he replies. Tell me to stop and I will.

'No.. I don't want you to stop..'

You look down, you see him right there but you can't place his face. Again it's blurry like someone wanted to keep his identity a secret, perhaps Hydra wanted just that. Well they got it.

Your hand reaches out to touch his head. You glide your fingers to cup his chin and to make him look up at you. The second his face becomes clear however. You startle and open your eyes in this world.

A scream echoes through the hallway, you leap out of your bed and rush towards the noise. It's coming from Bucky's room.

You swing open the door, it alerts him immediately and his head snaps your way. He looks different from when he helped you this evening.

'Bucky?' You ask and he seems to relax at the sound of your voice. You've noticed it before.

When he's tense, the second you speak up his muscles unclench and he seems to calm down almost immediately.

He slumps on top of his bed, sitting with his hands covering his face. Oh how many times you've sat the same way in the middle of the night this past year.

You move over to him. Your bandage clad hand wraps around one wrist while your other hand wraps around his other wrist. 'You're safe...'

'Please say the word... it's the only way I know for sure that it's gone...'

'That what's gone?' You frown at him.

He doesn't answer that question, but from the back of your head echoes the same word over and over again. Sputnik.

It becomes more like an alarm blaring through your skull. 'Sputnik...' it comes out as a whisper but it's enough to calm him down to the level you want him at.

'I remember that but I don't know..' your words die in your throat as Bucky wraps you up in his arms.

His breath is hot against your neck, but you understand the feelings he's going through, so you allow him. You do frown at the fact that your gut didn't tell you he was going to grab you like that.

Marvel Imagines pt. 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora