Still the same girl (2) ❤️‍🔥 Mob!Steve

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Song: Beyoncé - freakum dress.

Warnings: mentions of sexual assault, angst, fluff, mob!au so gore and violence and blood.


'Good evening everyone... as you can see my lovely daughter has decided to join us this evening..' your hand rests on the chair she's sitting on. She swallows the lump in her throat.

That tone tells her you're pissed off and it kind of scares her if she's completely honest. She turns her head to watch her father but he doesn't even seem fazed.

Aspen heard stories about the woman you used to be, he made it sound like you were a heroin which he tamed, now she's not sure when she looks back at you.

Your eyes move over all the men at the table with their wives sitting next to them with crossed arms. You must've told them already because no wife looks nervous or happy. Aspen is even sure her auntie Nat could kill them all, and not to speak of her other aunts, Pepper and Wanda.

Aspen watches you with admiration, you're not going to let this slide and even though your tone sends chills down her spine, she can't help but feel your love for her.

'Now as many of you know, snitching is one of the things we as a mob do not do... my daughter is one of the best at executing this rule... she didn't even want to tell me...'

Your eyes move over the men, you're one of the best when it comes to body language of liars, cheaters and frauds.

'But after some convincing... and after agreeing with her that she wouldn't have to tell us the name... she told me something that makes me sick to my fucking stomach!' You slam your fist onto the table making everyone jump.

'She told me...' you start to slowly go around the table, around everyone. 'She told me that there was someone at the party last week, someone way older than her, touching her where she didn't like it, saying all kinds of nasty stuff to her and not stopping when he got told "no" by her...'

Steve watches his daughter carefully, she herself could be giving off signs, signs he needs to communicate through with his wife.

'Now we aren't exactly legal... right?' There's a few laughs around the room including your own. 'But this? This is something we're not part of...we don't do this kind of sick shit! And when I found out who the fuck had the audacity to touch her...I will make them pay..'

Steve sees Aspen staring at one of the men, it's Walker. He seems uneasy at both your words and Aspens gaze, so the good husband that he is, he alerts you. You give him a curt nod before continuing around the room.

'She didn't tell me who it was though, so let this be a fucking warning for all of you, keep your hands to your damned self around my fucking family... you're all dismissed...' there's this evil glint in your eye that Steve very much recognizes, if he's being honest, it kind of turns him on.

Not that he could say that in front of the men and his own teenage daughter. But that look could mean a lot of things, but if this is what he thinks it is, John will certainly end up in the bottom of the ocean before the night is over.. 

'Aspen baby, why don't you go with auntie Nat?' You suggest and she nods. Nat shoots you a wink before she leads Aspen out of the room.

Once the members left the room, you stand between the door and Walker just as he tries to escape your wrath.

'Hold it right there...'

'What can I do for you?' He asks. The sweat is practically dripping from his forehead at this point.

'Oh I think you know... why don't you have a seat..' you roughly place him in the chair. 'You think I'm stupid?' You lean on the arm rests.

'No! No of course not!'

'Then you also know that I found out it was you who touched her... threatened her... you scarred her for life you know that? And for what? Just some sick desire? I have to admit that you've got some nerve...'

'I swear I wasn't-'

'Keep talking, see where that gets you...' you sneer. You grab his chin roughly, your nails digging into his skin.

'You listen to me Walker... if you ever, even breath towards her in the wrong way... I will end you...'

'Yes I understand! I'm sorry! I won't ever i it again I swear!' He fidgets in the seat.

'Oh did I say I'd give you a chance? Oh my bad... I meant... I will end you.. now... Steve baby, can I get my gun?'

'Here you go...' he hands it to you and before he can even say anything else, you pull the trigger a couple times.

'We may not be completely morally right... but you don't touch my daughter...' you spit at him. You lay the gun on the table and sigh.

'I should've scared him more... I don't think I did it right..'

'You did amazing peach... don't beat yourself up over it, he's dead anyway.. No do overs...' he smirks at you.

'Wouldn't that be amazing though?' You let out a whine and he chuckles as he takes your hand and leads you out of the room.

'Mom!' Aspen immediately hugs you and you smile before kissing her head. 'It's done baby... he won't bother you again... nor his wife...'


'You two are kind of fucked up you know...' she suddenly comments and you chuckle. 'Yeah well.. you're gonna have to get used to that then...'

'I'm trying... but you two are the best parents, even with the fact that you're kind of fucked up...'

'Aww that's adorable...' Natasha smiles.

'Can I get a hug too? I helped..' Steve pouts at his daughter but she shakes her head. 'Not ready yet... sorry..'

'That's ago bug... I can wait...' he replies.

'You can get a hug from me though..' yo offer him and his boyish glint gets even worse. 'A very, very big hug...'

'You two are gross.. I'm going to go talk to Peter.. Ugh!'

'Aaaand she's back...' Steve swings his arm over your shoulders.

'Nicht take a while before she feels completely comfortable around everyone...'

'Yeah well, that's better than her not trusting anyone ever again...' You sigh lying your head against his shoulder.

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