Chapter 26: On the Tracks

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Carley: This place looks...lived in. 

Lee: No kidding. 

Carley: Think they're gone? 

Lee: Not sure. I hope so, but this looks recent. Be on the lookout and have your guard up. 

Carley nods and they start to search through the boxcar. They move around some old boxes that look like they haven't been used in a while, but don't find anything. Moving around, they start to talk like before. 

Carley: Y'know, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to miss that old motel. 

Lee chuckles a little. 

Lee: Really? 

Carley laughs.

Carley: Yeah. Even though it wasn't perfect, I think there was really something nice about it. 

Lee: Yeah, I guess after staying there for a few months it really started to feel like home. Even if it really wasn't. 

Off to the side, Carley spots some water and picks it up. She sees that it's unopened and shows Lee. 

Carley: Hey, Lee. 

Lee: Hm? 

He turns around and finds her holding the water bottle. 

Carley: I think we can give this to Katjaa, for Duck. 

Lee: Good idea. 

Carley slides it into her jacket pocket and at the same time as Lee turns around, he spots a clipboard on the ground. It catches his attention and he picks it up from the ground. On the front of the clipboard it shows a small map of where the train can go on the tracks. 

Lee: A map of where the train goes. 

Carley: What? 

She walks over to him. 

Lee: I think these tracks might lead to the coast. Route 27, Savannah. That's where Kenny got us headed. 

Carley: Holy shit. 

Lee takes the map off of the clipboard and folds it up, putting it in his pocket for safekeeping until later. The map could come in handy. Now with the boxcar explored, the two go out the other side of it. However, they only find the coupling that keeps it attached to the other boxcar. So, finding that it's a bust, they hop back into the boxcar and out the other side where the others are. 

Lee: Well, we didn't find much, but we at least found this map and some water. 

Carley: So not a complete bust. Speaking of the water, I'm going to go give it to Katjaa. 

Lee: Alright. 

Carley walks over to the group and looks at Katjaa, pulling the water bottle out of her pocket. She hands it to Katjaa. 

Carley: Here's some water for Duck. It's not opened so it should still be good. 

Katjaa: Thank you. We really appreciate it.

Carley: No problem. 

Carley gives Katjaa a light smile as she looks at her. Not knowing what to say at the moment. I mean, what could she say. Her son is bit and there's nothing that they can do about it. In just a few hours, Duck will be gone. That's just a fact. Katjaa looks at Carley after she takes the bottle.

Katjaa: He's allergic to bees. 

Carley: What? 

Katjaa: It's all I can keep thinking about. Like somehow that matters. 

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