Season 2/Chapter 19: Nothing Left to Do

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Y/N Pov. 

After Clem and I hopped out of the window, we land on the porch and duck down so we aren't spotted by anyone. I still have my guitar on my back and my baseball bat as well. It's very dark and that means we'll be able to sneak around a lot easier. 

Y/n: C'mon, let's move quick and silently. 

Clementine: Okay. 

We start moving around the lodge, trying to sneak by the window without getting caught. I'm ahead of Clementine and I look around before sneaking past with her close behind. While I'm with Clem, I notice Kenny in a little booth nearby. I tap Clem's shoulder and point him out and it's quick to get her attention. He notices us, too and whispers over to us while waving his hand.

Kenny: Kids!

I look at the window and wait for the guy to leave before signalling to Clem for us to move. With quiet steps, we sneak past the window one by one before running over to Kenny. On the way to him I hear the sound of Carlos screaming, probably due to Madison breaking one of his fingers. 

Kenny: You two alright?

Clementine: We're fine. 

Y/n: Yeah, we were able to sneak over here without being seen. 

Kenny sighs in relief. 

Kenny: Oh, thank God. Is Sarita okay?

Clementine: They have her. 

Kenny: Christ. 

Y/n: Yeah, things aren't going great in there. 

I look toward the lodge with the other two and inside I can see that Rebecca and Alvin have given themselves up. While I can't hear what they're saying, I can see from this distance that Rebecca isn't happy. Kenny looks at us while holding his rifle up, aiming it towards the window. 

Kenny: Looks like they got everyone. Who are these guys? Can we take 'em? I've got a pretty clear shot on the one. Just a little bit to the left, you son of a bitch. That's right...

Y/n: Fuck it, we've got to try, right? 

Kenny nods, but I feel Clementine tug on my arm. I look at her and she shakes her head. 

Clementine: We shouldn't. He'll kill them!

I think about it for a moment and look back towards the lodge, through the window. Everyone is all lined up down there and while it's true that might happen, we've got to take a chance. I place my hand on the one Clem has on me. 

Y/n: Maybe you're right, but we've got to try. I swear, if this goes south we'll stop. Trust me. 

Clementine stares at me for a moment before sighing. 

Clementine: Okay, I trust you. 

I give Kenny a thumbs up and he shoots one of Carver's men through the window, shattering some of the glass. 

Kenny: Got him!

Y/n: Fuck yeah! Headshot? 

Kenny: Yeah, that fucker won't be getting back up again. I can promise you that. 

Suddenly, as we look back toward the window, we see Carver dragging someone toward it. I look a little closer and see that it's Walter. 

Y/n: Oh shit-

Without warning, Carver shoots him in the back of the head and he falls forward. Our eyes widen in surprise. 

Kenny: Walt!

Clementine: Oh, my God.

Clem gets closer to me and from our position, we all hear Carver yell out to us. His voice doesn't even sound angry or sad, just annoyed. 

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