Season 2/Chapter 44: Supply & Demand

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Y/N Pov. 

Clementine and I walk back to the rest of the group and Rebecca is still not doing so hot. I can see Molly and Carley trying their best to keep her doing alright while Kenny tries to talk to her about the baby. 

Rebecca: I'm not supposed to be in labor yet, Kenny. What if something's wrong?

Kenny: Nothing's wrong. Babies know how to be born.

I look at Clem. 

Y/n: Y'know, I think I should learn more about this stuff. 

Clementine: Why's that? 

Y/n: I mean we could have to deal with this again some the future, I mean. 

Clem's face gets a little red, but before she can say anything we hear Rebecca call out to us after I guess having spotted us. 

Rebecca: Clementine! Y/n!

We walk over to the small group and they start to ask us questions while Carley holds Rebecca's hand. 

Kenny: What'd you find?

Clementine: The building around back has an observation deck.

Rebecca: Somewhere the baby will be safer? It's coming so much faster than I thought.

Kenny turns back to Rebecca, trying to keep her calm. 

Kenny: I told you, you're getting yourself all worked up over nothing.

I kneel down to be more at eye level with Rebecca since she's sitting down and I give her a nod. 

Y/n: It's okay, Rebecca. The place we found is high up, so walkers won't be able to get us and with my power I'll make sure you won't be cold. Trust me, everything's coming together even's taking a bit.

Molly: Shit, sounds good to me. As soon as Mike and Bonnie are back, we'll get a move on. 

Carley looks Clem and I. 

Carley: Hey, kids. Glad you made it back safe.

Clementine: It was no sweat. Mostly, anyway. 

I place my hand on Rebecca's shoulder. 

Y/n: How are you doing, Rebecca? 

Rebecca: Scared. And it hurts.

Clementine: It'll be okay, Rebecca. I just know it. 

Rebecca: Shit, I hope so. 

There's a brief moment of silence as Rebecca sighs in what sounds like sadness. I see her look down as she's thinking about something, or more likely, someone. She looks back up afterward and speaks. 

Rebecca: I wish Alvin was here.

Clementine: Alvin was a good man. He was nice to us, and always looked out for everyone.

Y/n: Yeah, even if it wasn't always the best for survival. 

Rebecca nods. 

Rebecca: That man had one of the biggest hearts of anybody I've ever met. I should've told him that more often.

I laugh a little. 

Y/n: Y'know, when nobody else would help us... Alvin gave us things to help with her arm. Bandages and a juice box.

Rebecca: I should've known that big softie couldn't follow through on locking you two in the shed. I don't think he wanted to anyway. I know it's a waste of time, but I can't stop thinking about things I should've said to him... Things I should've talked to him about. How am I ever gonna do this without him?

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