Season 2/Chapter 57: Static

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3rd Pov. 

Y/n and Clementine wake up a little while later and both are warmed up. Thanks to Y/n, their clothes aren't soaked anymore and it gets warmer by the second while he's there so they are relatively fine for the moment. Molly's leaned back on the couch trying to relax with Carley as well. Y/n grabs his hat and places it on his head; Mike is kneeled by Arvo, looking him over after Kenny. 

Mike: Let me take a look at you, kid. Jesus. He could've killed you. The fuck is wrong with him?

Y/n looks at Clem and she looks back at him. 

Clementine: Feeling better? 

Y/n: Considering I almost drowned... Yeah. 

Jane: You're up. Kenny's out back, trying to get some stupid truck started.

They look at Jane and get up to sit down beside her as she holds some canned food in her hands. 

Jane: Here. You guys should eat something.

She gives them the food. 

Y/n: Thanks, Jane. 

Jane: Don't mention it, Kid. I can't believe he's gone. I've lost people before, but it just hasn't felt this... shitty in a while.

He nods, but Clem looks down. She remembers back to what she did, what she had to to save Y/n, and while it sucks... She doesn't necessarily feel bad about what she did. Luke was a guy, granted a new friend, but she hardly knew him for more than two weeks. Whereas on the other hand, her boyfriend and best friend whom she's known for her entire life. Then again, even if it wasn't for that she'd have still gone for Y/n. 

Clementine: We have to move on now. It's...what's best. 

Jane: I know. I know.

Y/n looks at his girlfriend and notices the shallow tone of her voice. Almost like she wants to rush the interaction or skip past the subject, but he just ignores it and decides to go on about the talk. Not question Clem. Jane puts her hands on her head as she leans down, feeling awful about the situation. 

Jane: I shouldn't have come back. I knew this would happen. I knew it. Always does.

Y/n: Well, we're glad you did. That's gotta count for something. 

She looks up. 

Jane: (Grins) Yeah, I guess it does. 

The three overhear the conversation with Mike and Arvo, hearing how Mike is essentially done with everything. He said to Arvo he'd go find something to clean him up and for some reason... Something just isn't sitting right with Y/n about Arvo and Mike. He can feel it in his stomach, an arising problem, but he doesn't know what. Across from the three, Molly and Carley look in the direction of them. 

Molly: Glad to see you're awake. Both of you. 

Clementine: Yeah. 

Carley: Are you guys alright? 

Y/n: (Nods) We're okay, Carley. Who'd have thought I'd nearly drown twice within the span of two weeks? 

Molly: I think it's safe to say you're over lakes and huge bodies of water for awhile. 

Y/n nods. 

Y/n: No kidding. 

Kenny enters the half built house and walks into the room. He looks around at Clementine, Y/n, Jane, Molly, and Carley but focuses his attention on the kids. 

Kenny: Feeling better?

Clementine: Yeah. 

Y/n: As good as you can be after almost dying in one of the worst ways possible. 

The Walking Dead: Emperor of FlamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora