Chapter 29: Heavy Hearts & Empty Guns

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Y/N Pov. 

Clementine and I look out at the wilderness as the train moves, slightly rocking a little bit every now and again. The others are also sitting around the boxcar same as us, well, except for Kenny who's in the front. I wonder what he's thinking about. Does he know he's going to die? Or is the feeling different? 

I shake my head, trying not to think about it right now. 

Y/n: I'm glad we got the train moving. What do you think Clementine? 

Clementine: I'm glad, too. But I'm worried about Duck. 

I look over at Duck and he looks worse than before. He's even paler and has started coughing more. His eyes look sunken in and I'm not sure, but I think he comes in and out of his delirium every so often. 

Y/n: Me, too. 

Clementine scoots closer to me as we hear Chuck talking to Lee. 

Chuck: Got to be hard on ya, eh? Three adults taking care of four kids; no disrespect, son.

I see Ben frown, probably because he was called a kid like us. But to be honest, Chuck isn't wrong. Ever since Ben has showed up, he hasn't really done all that much. Nothing to write home about. 

Lee: There were more of us.

Chuck: Dead get 'em?

Lee: No. 

Chuck: Ah. Livin' got 'em.

I think back on what the two are talking about and now that I do, I can see they're right. Carley was almost killed by Lilly, Larry was inadvertently killed by the St.Johns, and same goes for our old pal Mark. Though his was on purpose by those monsters. Then you have Doug, the only one I can say that was actually killed by walkers so far. 

I sigh; Clementine looks at me.  

Clementine: Are you okay? 

Y/n: Yeah, I'm alright. Just thinking about everyone we've lost so far. It's kind of crazy. 

Clementine: I know. 

I lean back a little bit, lying on the floor of the boxcar as it moves. I can feel the vibrations of the train as it moves over the tracks. Clementine looks back at me and decides to join me, laying to my right. We're both flat on our backs looking up at the ceiling of the train as we place our hats on our chests. 

Y/n: I heard we're heading to Savannah. You know what that means, right? 

Clementine: Yeah. I can't wait to see my parents again, and yours. It feels like forever since we last saw them. 

Hearing Clementine say this, I kind of feel bad. If I'm being honest, I don't think they're alive anymore. I can't help but to think about it more and more as time goes on. The thought that both of our parents...are probably dead. 

Y/n: (Mind) It's been months and we haven't heard from or seen them. 

Clementine: Y/n? 

I shake my head. 

Y/n: Sorry, I was just thinking about something. 

Suddenly, I hear coughing and we both raise up, putting our hats back on our heads. Looking in the direction where the coughing is coming from, we see Duck coughing up blood. Katjaa calls out to Lee from where she's at. 

Katjaa: Lee! Lee. I need you. Right now. 

Lee runs over to Katjaa and Carley comes over to us as we hear Katjaa tell Lee to go get Kenny. 

Katjaa: I need you to go get Ken.

Lee: What's-

Katjaa: Would you get that off his face? My hands are full here.

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