Season 4/Chapter 34: Death or Chains?

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Y/N Pov. 

After getting onto the top deck, it's just Clem and I. Violet's saying her final goodbyes to Minerva while the others are off of the boat. Mom and Maria aren't on anymore so that's one more loose end that's been tied up, but in the good way. Lilly still has our boy and we're not leaving without him. I can see Lilly dragging AJ up. 

Clementine: Shit, they started the boiler.

Y/n: Then that means our time has been cut really short. Let's speed up.

Clem and I sneak along the boat under the cover of Darkness. I have my hat hanging off against my back so it isn't noticed by using the tassles. Even from our position I can still hear Lilly saying things to AJ, trying to get him to go to their side. Unfortunately for them, It would never happen. AJ's too smart and too rowdy for them to keep in check. Even they managed to kill us, he would never stop trying to kill them. 

Lilly: We'll focus that energy. Sharpen it. I've known Clem and Y/n since before this all started. They'll come around. You'll come around too, once you see what we have to offer. Plenty of food, comfortable beds for you, Y/n and Clem. You can even share a room. I know they would like that. 

I see AJ look up at Lilly. 

AJ: Fuck off. 

Y/n: (Mind) That's my boy.

Lilly: Trust me, AJ. You're gonna fit right in where I'm from. We respect the strong here, and I can tell by one look at you that you're strong. The three of you are. If you're anything like Y/n or Clem you'll definitely be something. 

Soon, Clem and I reach some boxes. I look over them with Clem, but ahead I find two soldiers escorting Tenn across the boat.

Y/n: (Whisper) Fuck. 

Clementine: (Whisper) Where the fuck did Tenn come from? 

Soldier 1: Found one more sneaking over the docks.

AJ: Tenn! 

Clem groans and I put my hand on her leg. 

Clementine: Fuck...

Y/n: Listen, we'll figure this out. We always do. 

Looking back up front, Lilly approaches Tenn. 

Lilly: Tennessee? Did you get lost?

Soldier 2: Ma'am, he wasn't alone. I've got something else to show you.

Y/n: (Mind) Who else could it be? 

Lilly: This way.

Clem and I hide as the soldiers walk past us. With my powers gone and my physical strength far from the normal level due to the cuffs, it'd be harder to kill them. Even with a sneak attack. Now that I think about it, I've always been more of a brawler and relied always on my powers. I have really gotta start training barehanded after this is over so I'm not as powerless without my, well, powers. 

Soldier 2: Found this in the herd.

Gina brings out James, taking off his mask.

Lilly: No wonder there were so many walkers. Must have thought you were clever, leading those walkers here. Or was that Clementine and Y/n's idea? Nothing to say?

I look at Clem and she looks at me. I shake my head. 

Y/n: Fuck, they got James too. 

Clementine: Today just keeps getting better, doesn't it? 

James looks at Lilly. 

James: You don't fucking scare me.

Lilly: Is that so?

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