Chapter 45: A Simple Plan

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Y/N Pov. 

After making it inside the school and inside the room, I stand by Clementine while the others walk around. I look at the chalkboard and notice what looks like a large map drawn on it by a person who used to live here. 

Y/n: Whoa, look at this map. 

Clementine: Do you think it covers all of Crawford? 

Y/n: Maybe, but I'm not sure. I think it would. 

The woman, Brie, walks up to it as Molly asks her where to go.

Brie: Just give me a sec...

While she looks at it, I look around the classroom with Clementine. It reminds me a lot of the one we used to have back before everything went crazy with the walkers. It's kind of weird to me. 

Clementine: Hey, Y/n, over here. 

I turn and find Clementine sitting in a desk that looks like the one we used to have. I walk over to her and she smiles as she looks at me. 

Y/n: Hey, this is like the desks at our school. 

Clementine: (Nods) That's what I was thinking. It's so cool! 

Y/n: (Shrug) It's kind of cool, but school was lame. Though it does bring back some memories. 

Clementine giggles. 

Clementine: Like the time when you caused the fire alarm to go off? 

I put my hands in my pockets and look away for a second. 

Y/n: It was an accident, I didn't mean to activate my power while I sneezed...

Clementine giggles once more before standing up. 

Clementine: Yeah, well, at least we got an extended recess that day. And no one saw you use your powers, so it was a win win in my book. 

I laugh and put my arm around her shoulder, looking at her while doing so. And, of course, I start to tease her as it's a favorite pastime of mine. 

Y/n: Y'know, sometimes I wonder if you only like me for my powers. 

She giggles and pushes me. 

Clementine: Oh please, your powers are just one of the many things I like about you. But they aren't the main one. I like how funny and brave you are, plus you're good at music and doing all types of things. 

I lean in close to her face and smile. 

Y/n: Oh, please tell me more!

Clementine: And fuel your ego more? Nope. 

We laugh at each other one more time before we suddenly hear Lee talking to the others in the group.  

Lee: So then we just need a battery.

We turn around and look at him pointing to a place on the map. 

Lee: This auto shop, it's right next door?

Brie: Yup, it's called Herman's, you can't miss it.

Kenny: Okay, I'll make the run to the maintenance shed for the fuel.

Brie: It'll be faster if I go with you, I can take you right to it.

It seems like everyone knows where all the stuff we need to get is, so I guess that means we're all set.

Ben: I'll come too.

Kenny: No, two people's enough. You stay here, see if you can use any of those tools we brought to get that armory door open. We might need to shoot our way out of here.

Christa: I'll go for the medicine.

Vernon: I'll come with you, I know what to take.

Clementine and I watch as everyone talks with one another while the plan is getting settled. Ben's here, too, but he'll be working on the armory to try and bust the door open while the others are gone. 

Lee: Okay, I guess that leaves me to go find us a battery.

Molly: I'll go with you, watch your back.

Carley looks at us and I notice her side-eye Ben, before she turns back to Lee. It's almost like she's suspicious of him or something. 

Carley: I'll stay back here. Watch over the base until you guys get back. 

Lee nods and hands Kenny a hatchet. 

Lee: Okay, we've got a plan. Everyone be careful, stay close to one another, we'll all meet back here. Good luck.

The  group splits up. Lee, Carley, Ben, Clementine, and I are left in the room. We walk up to Lee, wondering if there's anything we can do to help. 

Clementine: What about us, what can we do?

Lee looks at her. 

Lee: I need you to stay here with Ben and watch over our command center with Carley and Y/n. I'm putting you and Carley in charge of it. Okay?

I look at Clementine and watch as she glances over at Ben, turning back to Lee afterward. 

Clementine: You're leaving us with Ben? 

Lee: I'm not leaving you with Ben. I'm leaving him with you. Understand?

Clementine: Oh... Okay.

Lee: Back before you know it.

We watch as Lee and Carley kiss each other, but just before leaving I run up to him. He looks at me and I glance back at Ben, turning back to Lee after. Curious about what he wants me to do. 

Y/n: Level with me, Lee. Why not have us go with you? 

Lee: (Sighs) I know I don't have to worry about you protecting yourself, but I'm still unsure about Clem. I know she helped you out, but that was one walker. There are bound to be more hiding in this place, so it'll be better if she stays back. 

Y/n: And me? Carley's staying back so why can't I go to? 

Lee: I trust Carley to watch after Clementine, but you and I both know Ben isn't good in a tight situation. So if things somehow get dicey back here, I want you to protect the both of them if a disaster strikes.

I shake my head. 

Y/n: Lee, listen to me. I'm going to come with you. It's safer that way. They'll be safe in here while we're gone, and if not, I know Carley will do what she can to make sure they'll be safe. Trust me. 

Lee looks past me and over to Carley; He thinks for a moment before looking back at me. 

Lee: Fine, you can come. But watch your step. 

I nod and calls out to Carley and Clem. 

Lee: Uh, guys, Y/n's going to come with me. 

Carley: Alright, sounds good. 

Clementine walks over and places her hands on my shoulders. 

Clementine: Be safe. 

Y/n: I will. 

We hug each other and after I let go, I hand her my baseball bat. 

Y/n: Just in case. 

She nods and we wave to Carley and Clementine as we leave. 

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