Chapter 46: Supply & Demand

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Lee and Y/n enter the hallway, shutting the door behind themselves as they look around the hall which is completely vacant. Other than lockers, discarded paper, and boards, the only thing that is in the hall is them. 

Y/n: Man, this place is kind of depressing. 

Lee: Yeah, you're telling me. 

They start to walk when they come across a certain poster with a man's face plastered on it. The top of the poster reads, "Welcome New Citizens to Crawford." Underneath the words is the photo of the leader. 

Y/n: Who's "C.Oberson"?

Lee: I imagine he was the leader of this place. Looks like he figured himself as some kind of supreme leader.

Y/n: Like he thought he was a president or something? 

Lee: Maybe. 

They look to the right of the poster and find a bigger one next to it. On it, it bold letters, reads, "Principles of Crawford," with a list of rules that everyone had to follow if they were staying in the community. 

Y/n: All of these rules make this place look worse and worse. 

Lee: (Nods) No kidding. 

After looking at the posters, the two start walking down the hallway while the sound of groaning can be heard far off. As they turn the corner, they find Molly waiting at the end of the hallway as her hood covers her head and her mask is on. 

Molly: The alleyway to the auto shop's down here. You two coming or not?

She runs off and the simply keep on walking. Before they leave to go down to the alley, they walk over to the left and find Vernon with Christa messing with the door to the nurses office. They offer to help, but Vernon says they got it. 

Lee: You guys need any help?

Vernon: Thanks, but I think we're almost in.

Christa: We're taking care of it, Lee, don't worry.

Y/n shrugs. 

Y/n: Seems like they have a handle on it. Let's get to the alley. 

Lee nods and they walk away, heading toward the right this time where they find a door that leads to the alleyway. 

Lee: This must be the door to the alleyway where the auto shop is. But where the hell is Molly?

Y/n: She's probably already at the auto shop. I mean, it did take us a minute to talk to Vernon and Christa. 

Lee nods. 

Lee: Maybe, but she could have at least waited on us. 

Y/n: Ah, well, it's okay. We'll just catch up in the meantime. 

Lee nods and the two head out of the door into the alleyway, going out via the fire escape. 

Lee: Molly? You out here?

They look around and at the end of one end of the alley, there are walkers outside the gate. Y/n adjusts his hat a little, as well as his necklace, and looks at Lee. 

Y/n: I think we ought to be quiet. I don't want to accidentally draw more walkers this way. 

Lee: Good idea. 

They head down the alley, keeping an eye out for any walker that may try to sneak up on them. They may not be the most subtle monsters, but they're a lot sneakier than they may first seem. Lee nods towards the shed in front of them. 

Lee: Auto shop must be down this way.

Y/n: Then let's go. This place is creeping me out. 

They walk into the shed and find a hole in the ceiling. Afterward finding it they climb on the shelves to get to the roof of the shed and jump over the gate with barbed wire. No trouble for either of them. After a moment, they look around and find the door to the auto shop down a little way from them. 

Y/n: Hey, look over there. 

Lee: The auto shop. 

Y/n: Yeah, the door that leads inside. You think it's unlocked? 

Lee: (Shrugs) Only one way to find out. 

They walk over to it and Lee grabs the handle that is at the bottom. He kneels down and with a hard pull he tries to open the garage door, but he's barely able to raise it off of the ground. After a second, he drops the door back down. 

Lee: Damn, it's jammed tight.

Y/n looks at the door and places his hand on it, trying to feel how thick the metal is and if he could melt it. Of course he could, but depending on how thick the metal is it could take some time. He pushes against the garage door, trying to see if it would give even just a little which it slightly does. 

Y/n: I think we're in luck, Lee. 

Lee looks at him. 

Lee: How do you figure? 

Y/n: My fire burns pretty hot, and if I focus it I could probably make like a hand torch to cut a hole in the door. Kind of like how you used the torch on the bridge to cut down the tanker thing. 

Lee: What about the light? 

Y/n: It'll be fine-

Before Y/n can finish, a walker body drops down in front of them which makes the two jump from the sudden event. 

Lee: Jesus!

Y/n: Dude...

Y/n looks at the walker's body and Lee leans down to examine it, but they hear a voice from up top call down to them. Molly. 

Molly: Leave him!

She jumps down from the roof and takes out her pickaxe while walking towards the body of the walker. 

Molly: He's mine.

Y/n: It's nice to see you. 

Molly doesn't say anything and starts stabbing the walker, bashing it with the pickaxe as Lee and Y/n watch. She kicks it several times as Lee calls out her name, trying to get her attention. 

Lee: Molly... Molly!

She stops and looks back. 

Molly: What?!

Y/n steps forward and taps the walker with his foot. 

Y/n: I think you got him. 

Molly: One more.

With one more swing of her pickaxe, Molly finally relents in her relentless beating of the walker. 

Lee: He's wearing medical scrubs. Some kind of scientist or doctor?

Y/n: Maybe. 

Molly looks at the walker with disdain.

Molly: Yeah, well, he ain't shit now.

She kicks it one more time, and Y/n puts his hand on her arm. Molly looks at him and sighs, finally calming down. Even though Y/n isn't exactly a genius, he can tell that there's more to the story. 

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