Season 3/Chapter 23: One Small Step For Man

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(I'm just gonna finish out the season with 3rd Pov. Because Season 4 will probably be mostly Y/n Pov.)

3rd Pov. 

The others look at the shitty situation with the cars and of course, they're not exactly thrilled about having to cross the death trap that is the said cars. Y/n and Clementine are waiting to... well... catch them if shit goes bad. Though that might be easier said than done. Kate and Gabe go across after David. 

Kate: You know, I didn't there was much that could scare me anymore. And yet, here we are. Just goes to show you, life is full of surprises.

Gabe: Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God.

Javier: Fear is the coffee of emotions. Wakes you up, keeps you sharp. It can be a friend if you let it.

Ava: Shit, that's a lot easier said than done. 

Ava crosses and almost trips, but Y/n grabs her arm and helps pull her ass over by the non falling apart bridge section. 

Everyone but Javi and Tripp reach the other side. A car behind Javi falls slightly, bumping into Javi and he starts to shake a little bit. 

Tripp: Take my hand, man!

Javi grabs Tripp's hand and steadies himself. Javier manages to make it across and the guy basically looks back at Tripp with a lot more appreciation than he'd previously had. Tripp is currently trying to make his way across now. 

Javier Thanks, Tripp. That was-

As Tripp crosses in front of the slanted car, a walker in the car jumps out at Tripp and grabs him. 

Tripp: Shit my nuts!

He quickly throws the walker off the highway.

Tripp: Aah! Fuck you, fuckstick! Son of a goddamn!

He reaches the other side after it and looks back at the cars. Tripp sighs. 

Tripp: This ain't nothing. Once we're back on the ground? That's when this shit's really gonna get scary. Got a bad feeling. Good Lord. It's nasty down there. Can't even describe it...

Y/n: Oh, well I can. Terrible, Smelly, and Full of rotting corpses that want to eat my handsome mug. This mug ain't getting bit, so I don't want to even think about it or acknowledge it as a possibility. 

Javier looks down at the walkers. 

Javier: God, it never ends. This shit is way too fucking dangerous.

Tripp: Amen to that. Still, though, I'll take dangerous to dead any day.

The group walks along a little further until they reach an area that is broken across the middle, with only a helicopter between the two sides of the highway. The helicopter itself looks more... precarious than the rest of the bridge has so far. One wrong move and that bastard is taking a person with it on it's way down via god's elevator, aka gravity. On the bottom of it is a half dead walker that's still hanging on by the intestines. 


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