Season 2/Chapter 17: The Past Catches Up

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Y/N Pov. 

As Walter finishes up speaking to us, we all hear a voice come from behind him. It's Kenny who's walking up to us. 

Kenny: Hey, kids. What are you three talking about?

Walter looks back at Kenny and smiles, standing up. 

Walter: Oh, politics.

Kenny: The hell? 

Walter: Being from Florida, I would imagine you know all about politics, Kenny.

Kenny: Man, I know one advantage of living in the apocalypse is not dealing with that shit no more. I was just gonna check the windows 'round back before this storm hits. Give us a hand?

Walter: Sure. 

I look at Clem and take her hand as we follow both Kenny and Walter towards the back of the lodge. As our group turns the corner we suddenly see some woman looking into the windows.  She has red hair and pale skin. Kenny takes a step forward, but Walter puts his hand on his shoulder to stop him. As he does this, I whisper to Clementine just in case this woman is the kind to do something stupid. 

Y/n: (Whisper) Get ready. 

Clementine: Yeah. 

We look at the woman who's dressed in a dark purple vest and Walter calls out to her, getting her attention. 

Walter: Miss? 

As soon as he does, the woman turns to us and her eyes widen in surprise. I notice her look at Kenny and she puts her hands up after noticing that he's carrying a rifle. I can tell that she had not been expecting to find us out here, too. Whoever this woman is. I'm not sure if she's cool or not. 

Y/n: So, uh, what are you doing out here? 

Woman: Please. Do you have any food?

Walter: Are you okay?

Woman: I saw the house, and... I have a family. We're starving. We live down there.

I see Walter walk toward her a little. 

Walter: Of course. Why don't you come in, miss...?

Woman: Bonnie. 

I look at the woman and her vest. The vest looks familiar, almost like I'd seen it somewhere before. But then again, all these walkers out here were probably hunters and could've been where I'd seen it. I'm probably just tired. I think about her name for a second, but it doesn't seem like I've heard it before. 

Y/n: Hm, Bonnie. Doesn't sound familiar, well, actually I think my neighbor had a cat named Bonnie. Or was it a rabbit? Damn, it's been so long my mind isn't exactly remembering right.

I look at Clem. 

Y/n: You think I could find a pet out here? 

Instead of answering, she slightly squeezes my hand and keeps her eyes on Bonnie. 

Clementine: Focus, Y/n. 

Y/n: Oh, yeah. 

I look back at the woman as Kenny speaks to Walter. 

Kenny: Walt, I don't know. You're just gonna let her in like that?

Walter: It's fine, Kenny.

Kenny: We don't know this girl.

Walter: Then we'll have to get to know her, right, kids?

Kenny: Walt. 

Walter: How much damage can this poor woman do? 

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