Season 2/Chapter 41: A Walking Inferno

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3rd Pov. 

Y/n knocks on the door to the trailer, but doesn't get an answer. He looks back at the others and shrugs. He goes to turn the doorknob, but unfortunately the thing is locked and won't budge so he heats up the handle. 

Y/n: I might not be able to unlock you, but I can sure melt you. 

After a moment the handle in the door turns orange and Y/n starts to increase the pressure of his grip until the doorknob breaks off. Y/n tosses it to the ground and the door slowly starts to open up. He turns back to Clem, Molly, and Jane. 

Y/n: It's open. 

Jane: That's good, because we've got more company. 

She points towards the direction the flame fist went through & the opening it left in a nearby fence allowed walkers to start towards them in a large group. And with how bad the trailer they're in at the moment is, he can't unleash another one without potentially destroying it as well. So they all rush inside. 

Molly: Help me block this. Hurry!

Everyone scrambles around looking for something to use to put against the door. Y/n runs around the living room with Clementine, looking for anything that might be of use to them. Molly places her body against the door as Jane looks, too. Suddenly, Clem notices something. 

Clementine: I think this could work. 

She pulls on Y/n's arm and he looks at her. Clem nods to a sideboard that was nearby and they grab it, laying it against the door after Molly moves out of the way. As soon as it's boarded up, Sarah screams again followed by Luke's voice. 

Luke: Sarah, please... 

As the group approaches the door, the floor creaks and Luke from the opposite side of the door asks who's there. 

Luke: Who's out there?

Y/n groans. 

Y/n: It's us, Jackass. Open the door. 

Everyone waits a moment before the door slowly creaks open and Luke leaves the room, walking up to the group, holding his injured side. While there's no blood, a few ribs were probably cracked. 

Luke: Oh, thank God.

Y/n: You look like hell, Luke. 

Luke: Yeah, well it'd fit how I feel at the moment. Did Nick find you guys? He made a run for it, looking for help.

There's a pause in the air, no one saying a word. Y/n looks away, Clem looks down, but Molly speaks up with Jane following after her. 

Molly: We saw him outside. 

Jane: He was out there. But we took care of him, ya know? 

It's clear what Jane is alluding to and Luke's face immediately turns to one of grief as he looks away in pain. 

Luke: Fuck... Fuck! 

He quickly turns back to the others, still holding his side. 

Luke: When I heard banging through the door... I thought the walkers had come to take what's left of us, but then I saw that flash of orange and didn't know what to think. There was noise from the walkers then it suddenly stopped, only for me to hear a loud crash not even a minute later. 

Clementine raises up Y/n's hand while holding onto it. 

Clementine: You can thank him for that. Cleared out the first set of walkers, but now we've got more on our tails. 

Y/n: (Shrugs) In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have aimed toward a fence. But no worries. We've dealt with worse, right Clem? Molly? 

Molly: Those dumb dead bastards might not be shit on their own, but in groups they become problems. Problems we're going to have to deal with without setting more shit on fire, got it? 

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