Chapter 28: On The Move

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As the Old Man, Chuck, stands just a few feet in front of Y/n and the others, he keeps his hands raised. Even though Y/n didn't have a gun, he also didn't want to take the chance of getting hit in the leg with a bat. 

Y/n: Your name is Chuck? 

The older man nods. 

Chuck: Sure is. And as I said, this here train is my home. 

Y/n: If it's your home, then how come we didn't notice you when we got out? 

Chuck: Well, I heard your RV stop outside while the door to my boxcar was still closed. I went out the back and watched you all until I could make sure you weren't going to try and hurt me. 

Still unconvinced, Y/n looks at Chuck with his bat still raised. 

Y/n: And how can we trust you? What if you're just setting a trap? 

Chuck: If I really wanted to hurt you or do that, why would I come out of hiding when none of you knew I was here? I could've even hurt the man and that lady in my boxcar without no one noticing. But I didn't. I really mean you or your people no harm. 

Chuck pauses for a moment. 

Chuck: And just before you ask, it's only me out here. Just been me for...a long time. 

Looking over Chuck, Y/n doesn't really get any bad feeling from him. He seems genuine and if anything were to happen he could just light him up with some flames. With a little caution, Y/n lowers the baseball bat and allows Chuck to step forward with his hands now lowered to both sides. 

Y/n: Hello, Chuck. I'm Y/n. 

Chuck: It's nice to meet you, Y/n. 

Y/n: Yeah. 

Chuck looks past Y/n at Clementine and Katjaa, nodding to them while raising a hand to wave. Clementine lightly waves back while Katjaa just nods to him. The two guys walk over to them, Y/n leading the way, and Chuck introduces himself. Ben walks over next and Chuck also talks to him. 

Chuck: Uh, hold on. Here. 

From his pocket, Chuck pulls out a little bit of candy and hands it to the kids and Ben, but then looks over to his boxcar. He knows Lee and Carley are still inside there routing around all of his stuff; while he doesn't really care, he believes he should also introduce himself. So, he looks at the others. 

Chuck: It's nice meeting you folks, but I think I should go introduce myself to the ones still routing around my stuff. 

Y/n: I'd be careful, Chuck. They might be a little jumpy. Especially Carley after what happened a few hours earlier. 

Chuck nods. 

Chuck: I'll try my best not to get shot. 

With a new mission in mind, Chuck heads over to the boxcar as the others look at Y/n. Though Clementine is the only one who speaks up. 

Clementine: At least we got candy. 

Y/n: Wanna trade? 

The kids start eating their candy while in the boxcar, both Lee and Carley re-enter it after getting the coupler pin free with the wrench. They're talking to one another until suddenly the two hear Chuck from behind. 

Chuck: You touch any of my stuff?

Slightly jumping, the two swiftly turn around with Lee getting in front of her as she places her hand on her pistol. Not pulling it out yet, but just keeping her hand on it. Just waiting to blast Chuck if need be. 

Lee: I took the map of the train routes.

Chuck: That's fine, you can have that.

Lee: Really?

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