Season 3/Chapter 16: Retrieval

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Y/N Pov. 

Clementine and Kate come out of the room after they had their talk about all that lady business. Clem seems better and not as worried, which is good by my standards. As long as she's happy, I to am happy. Kate asks about what we were stealing and Javier is excited to see her which does makes sense considering they're practically a couple. 

Javier: Kate!

Kate notices him and I see her look at his shirt. 

Kate: Jesus! Javi, is that blood on your shirt? You said it wasn't that bad!

I look at her. 

Y/n: Hey, it's not. Trust me. I know what I'm doing. 

She practically ignores me and focuses back on Javier, which slightly annoys me, but Clem comes over and leans against me. Seeming a little tired, I give her a hug and again, she lays against my body. At the same time, Kate starts asking Javier about his accident and probably how he get knifed. 

Kate: How the hell did this happen? Oh, you're bleeding right through that bandage. You should have told me as soon as you got in. 

Javier: It's not deep, it's just bled a lot. Besides, it's already taken care of, Y/n sewed me up back at the doctor's.

Y/n: And I did a damn good job, too. 

Kate: You still didn't answer my question, what happened?

Gabe, being the annoying dumbass he is, just walks over by them while speaking with a snarky tone that I'm not a fan of in the slightest. 

Gabe: He got stabbed, okay? By one of the guards.

Javier looks back at me. 

Javier: Thought you knew what you were doing.

Y/n: You're not dead, are you? This is a win in my book. 

I sit down on a chair and Clem sits in my lap, leaning back against me with her eyes closed. Probably trying to get a little rest. Due to how much we've been running around, we've not gotten much at all over the last few days. I hold her close to make sure she doesn't fall off of me. While Kate asks Eleanor to check over my work. 

Kate: Eleanor, can you take a look at this?

Y/n: Dude, I'm telling you he's good. I stitched up Clem in a way worse spot than a doctor's office and she got out fine. 

Eleanor looks over his wound that I graciously stitched up. 

Eleanor: As long as he keeps it clean, it should be okay.

Y/n: See? Trust my handy work. 

Gabe groans. 

Gabe: Would you guys stop making such a big deal about it? It happened, it's over. Move on, already!

Kate: I'm just trying to make sure he's okay, Gabe.

I look at him. 

Y/n: (Mind) I swear I have half a mind to incinerate his stupid ass right now. 

I envision the scene in my head of me just lighting his stupid ass up. It'd be a pretty fun light show. That's for certain. 


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