Season 2/Chapter 48: Death & Russians

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(Russian is via google translate, so I'm not sure if it's entirely accurate.)

Y/N Pov.

With Jane gone there was a bit of a low feeling in my stomach. I've gotta say, we keep losing people like flies. Clem is resting her head against my shoulder as she sits beside me, and it's easily noticeable she's sad about Jane leaving.

Y/n: Cheer up, Clem. Things will get better for us.

Clementine: With Jane gone, I think our chances of survival might have gone down some. I mean, sure we've got Molly, Carley, and Kenny, but we've also got this baby now and it isn't going to get easier.

I hear her sigh.

Clementine: I just wish she would've stayed to maybe lighten our load a little bit.

Y/n: I get that, but what can you do? She wanted go, plain and simple.

As I'm talking to Clem, I hear footsteps coming from behind me so I turn my head to look behind, but of course it's only Luke. Clem lays her head up and looks behind too, finding Luke standing a few feet away.

Luke: Hey, thought you two'd be asleep by now. You guys okay?

At first, we don't speak because we're not entirely sure what to say. I'm alright myself, but Clem seems more upset about her going than I am. Don't get me wrong, I like Jane, but if she's going to just ditch us then I don't gotta shed tears for her. It's not like she died or anything anyway. It's just the way things are.

Clementine: We're fine...

Luke: Okay, good. Hell of a night, though... Temperature's dropping. We're low on food. I think we've gotta stay put for a while, you know, for Rebecca and the baby.

Y/n: So?

Luke: So I'm thinking as soon as it gets light, Jane and I should go explore, see if we can find some place to scavenge. What?

Clem and I look at one another, unsure of what to tell him, but I just bite the bullet and tell him what happened because he'd find out in a few hours anyway. Ain't no point in sugar coating it.

Y/n: Look, Luke... She's gone. For good, more than likely.

Luke's face automatically changes to one of surprise with a mix of betrayal in there as well. I can not really blame him though. He and Jane looked like they were starting to feel each other up, I, uh, mean...starting to feel like they liked each other. Yeah, that thing. Just like, nothing sexual at all...

Luke: What? When?

Clementine: Just now.

Y/n: Literally less than thirty seconds before you walking in.

Luke: Are you serious? She didn't say anything about leaving to me. What the fuck?

I see him hit the wall a single time, annoyed and betrayed, but that's when Kenny enters the room and beside him is Carley holding the baby. The punch got their attention and it slightly made Carley jump, disturbing the baby. Luckily Carley was, and is, a good caretaker and got the baby to calm back down.

Carley: What was that noise? Kids, are you okay?

Clementine: We're fine.

Y/n: Yeah, it should be Luke that you're worried about, not us. Care to explain, Luke?

Luke: Sorry, I... sorry. Just... Jane's gone.

Kenny rolls his eyes and takes a step forward, but I'm ready to stop a fight if one is started. Though I doubt it'll happen considering Carley is close by with the new baby and I doubt Kenny's gonna start a fight with him nearby.

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