Season 3/Chapter 7: Above The Law

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3rd Pov.

At the gate, the two groups are looking at one another. David is surprised by the appearance of his family who are equally surprised to see him staring back. Both thinking the other died years prior. 

Gabe: Dad? 

Y/n looks at David and the others. 

Y/n: What the fuck? 

David: Javi? Is that really you? I always hoped I'd find you. Never really thought it'd happen; not after all this time.

Javier looks at his big brother and David starts walking forward. 

Javier: I can't fucking believe this! It's you!

David: Couldn't have said it better myself.

Gabe runs up to David and hugs him, David hugs him back.

Gabe: I knew you were still alive. I knew it!

David turns to look at the soldiers. 

David: Hey, weapons down! This is my family!

The New Frontier soldiers lower their weapons at his command. Y/n and Clementine are just watching, not saying anything to the others. Though their glares would probably be burning holes through David if they had heat vision. 

(Y/n)/Clementine: (Mind) This fucking guy. 

Javier looks at David as he himself is holding Kate while she's in and out of consciousness. 

Javier: You gotta let us in. Kate doesn't have much longer.

David: Jesus. Kate!

Kate wearily looks up at David, surprised but not in a good way. 

Kate: David? 

David grabs her hand and holds it. 

David: I'm here, honey. I'm right here. What the hell happened?

Javier: She's been shot and we got the bullet out, but she's still bleeding. We need your doctor. Now, David!

David: (Nods) Thanks, Javi. For getting her here.

David carries Kate, picking her up from Javier. 

David: She's coming inside! 

Max: But she hasn't been checked!

David: This is my wife, Max! You want her to die?!

Max: No. I didn't say that!

David looks down at Kate as she seems like barely hanging on. 

David: Our doctor's gonna help you, honey. I'm gonna make sure of it.

Gabe: Wait. I'm going with you!

Gabe and David walk away with nobody stopping Gabe since he's David's son; but when the rest of the group tries to follow, the New Frontier raises their weapons to stop them. They look at the soldiers. Fern, one of them, tells the group that they have to go to quarantine, even Javier which doesn't sit well with him. 

Fern: Sorry, but the rest of you have to go straight to quarantine.

Javier: What for?

Fern: All newcomers get checked for bites, and they all have to answer a couple of questions. Our doctor will clear the two of them. But the rest of you have to come with me to the quarantine holding area. It's how we keep it safe for everyone.

Clementine scoffs. 

Clementine: Yeah, right. 

Y/n chuckles and looks back at the others, especially Conrad.

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