Chapter 5: New People, New Problems

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After driving for a few hours, getting far away from the farm, the truck that the group is in finally starts to stutter to a stop as it runs empty. Sitting in the driver's seat is Kenny, whereas Lee is in the passenger seat while Katjaa is in the back with the kids. As the truck stops, everyone looks around as they stop in an area surrounded by shops, abandoned cars, etc. 

Kenny: Well, this is as far as we're going.

Lee: Then it's far enough. 

Y/n: Cool. 

Everyone gets out of the truck and Y/n helps Clementine out, strapping his guitar over his back as he fixes his hat and necklace. Duck gets out with Katjaa and they all walk over to Kenny and Lee. They all start walking down the street together, passing through an alleyway, as Clem and Y/n stand by Lee. Cars are broken down on the sidewalk, shop windows are gone or shattered, and blood stains can be seen on the ground. 

Y/n: Geez, this place must've got hit pretty bad. 

Everyone walks out of the alley and spreads out, looking all around as Y/n stands by Clementine; Kenny stands with Katjaa & Duck. Lee looks up as he briefly stops in front of the pharmacy where he had once come to very often. Lee shakes his head as he looks at the old place, memories of a distant past flooding back. 

Meanwhile, Clementine tugs on Y/n's tank top to get his attention and he looks at her. Her face showing signs of uncomfortableness as she looks around at the street and the things littering it.  

Y/n: What's up? 

Clementine: Doesn't this place feel a little creepy to you? 

Y/n looks around himself and now that he's getting a fuller picture, even he's starting to get the creeps. He nods to her and moves closer, leaving just a little room between each other.

Y/n: Now that you mention it, this place is kind of creeping me out. Stay close to me, just in case. 

She nods, but before they can say anything else, Duck's voice cuts through the silence as he calls out to the others while pointing down the street. 

Duck: Look!

He gets everyone's attention and they all walk over to him as he points to what appears to be a person near a car in the nearby distance. Looking for any help he can, Kenny waves his arms to try to get their attention.

Kenny: Hey there! You friendly? Truck's run out of gas.

Slowly, the "person" looks up and instead of human... It's a walker that was just gnawing on a corpse, as flesh falls from its mouth. Everyone looks at it in shock as Kenny yells & the kids get closer to Lee. 

Kenny: Fuck! 

Unfortunately, his yelling drew more walkers towards them and walkers started to appear from everywhere, almost like they're coming out of thin air. Some crawled from up under the nearby truck, others walked out from alleys, and more came from down the street or stood up from any previous spots. As the walkers get closer to the group, they all realize they're almost surrounded by the dead entirely. 

Katjaa: We're trapped! 

Quickly, Y/n steps in front of Clementine and puts her in between him and Lee as he watches their backs. A walker tries to get close to them, but Y/n fires a swift stream of flames from his hand and torches it's head. 

Y/n: (Mind) I know this isn't exactly the time for it, but I'll call that "Heat Haze."

As the walker falls, Y/n hears a scream and turns to find Duck is on the ground being attacked by a walker. 

The Walking Dead: Emperor of Flamesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن