Season 3/Chapter 17: What Lies Ahead

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3rd Pov. 

After driving away from the walker infested garage, the group parks in the middle of a street. But it's mostly abandoned so there's not real problem being out in the open. Clementine is laying up against Y/n and Gabe is sitting across from them. 

Javier: The square is a couple of blocks away. This is a good place to wait.

Kate: Do we have enough gas?

Javier: I'm not about to turn the engine off again.

Kate: What now? 

Javier: We wait for Ava to call us on the walkie.

Kate: So... nothing for us to do but sit and watch the sun come up.

Y/n leans back and takes off his hat. He looks inside of it and there he finds the old pictures that he'd kept over the years. One is of Lee, the one he found inside the drug store all those years ago and by it was also the picture they took during the time with the other group two years ago. It's a picture of Y/n dipping Clementine like Gomez would Morticia Addams. 

Y/n: Remember this? 

Clementine: (Giggles) Yes. I definitely do. I can't believe you've kept that photo for so long. 

Y/n: Well, It's been in my hat so I've just been lucky enough to keep it around. Same with the photo of Lee. They're my keepsakes. 

Turning over the photo of them, Y/n sees the inscription on the back. It was something he'd written after it was taken. 

Y/n: "You started a flame in my heart." Man, I was cringey back then. 

She looks at him and gives him a small kiss on the cheek. 

Clementine: Ah, well, I like it. It's cute. 

He shakes his head. 

Y/n: Man, it doesn't take much to make you think something's cute, hm? 

Clementine: Oh, hush. 

Y/n: I want to find a camera again. 

She looks at Y/n. 

Clementine: Really? 

Y/n: (Nods) Yeah. I mean I'd like to take a family photo with AJ and Molly whenever we find them again. We can show our future kids when we're, like, in our late twenties or something. It'd be an interesting thing. 

Clementine chuckles. 

Clementine: Well next time we find one, we'll take that picture. 

The two continue to talk to one another as Javier and Kate look back at them. 

Kate: It's nice to be driving around with a couple kids in the backseat again. Really takes you back, doesn't it? Just you, and me, and Gabe and...Mari. Better times.

Javier: Ah, yes, the days of scrubbing upchuck out of the upholstery. I don't miss that.

Kate: I never realized just how much kids could vomit until I was trapped in a car with them 24/7. Or how far...

They look back at the kids again and look at specifically Y/n and Clem, seeing how close the two are and how they act towards one another. 

Javier: Kind of amazing, isn't it? That in the middle of all this, they find the time to flirt with each other.

Kate: Guess it just goes to show. You stick two people together, something's going to happen between them. I'm just glad it's the good something. 

Javier: Well, those two have known each other for forever. Makes sense. It's crazy how two kids can have a better relationship than most adults. 

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