Chapter 43: The Heist of Crawford

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Y/N Pov. 

Clementine and I are sitting on the stairs as we talk to one another, as well as listen in on the conversation. Lee said we should go play upstairs, but Clementine suggested that we should listen just in case. 

Clementine: From what it sounds like, they're thinking about breaking into Crawford. 

Y/n: Yeah, it does.

Clementine: How do you think it'll work? Just sneak in over a wall or something? 

I shrug and look at Clem. 

Y/n: No, I think we'll go in by the sewers. They lead all over Savannah and the old dude, Vernon, says he knows them like the back of his hand. That's gotta be the way we'll get inside. It makes the most sense. 

Clementine: Yeah.

We both look from the staircase, and while we can't exactly see the others since they're in the other room, we can still hear the others talking to one another. 

Vernon: I think I could lead us through so we could pass under the perimeter and right into the center, where they keep their supplies. We come up right underneath'em, take'em by surprise, grab what we need and get out before they even knew what hit 'em.

I look at Clem and smile. 

Clementine: (Whisper) You were right. 

Y/n: (Nods) I knew it. 

We hear Molly next as she speaks up. 

Molly: That's actually not the worst idea I've ever heard. I mean, it's close. But I don't know, maybe it could work.

Vernon: I've thought about it before, just never had the people to do it. But I think if we all work together, we could pull it off.

Kenny: And what do you want in return for all this help you're giving us?

I can hear by the tone in Kenny's voice that he's pretty skeptical of Vernon and I don't blame him. We don't really know the old guy. 

Vernon: Crawford doesn't just have what you need for your boat, they're also well-stocked with medical supplies. Medicine that my people could use, just as yours could.

Christa: We can do this. We have to!

Carley: So, it's decided, then? We're going to Crawford?

Lee: We can do this. I know it.

Kenny: Hell yeah, we can.

Ben: Are we seriously talking about this? I mean, what about the risk?

Kenny: I don't know about you, kid, but I'd rather take a chance on doing something than just sitting around here waiting to die. That boat out there is an answered prayer, we just gotta push a little bit farther. Are you in or out?

I don't hear Ben respond. 

Y/n: (Mind) What else would I expect from him? 

I roll my eyes before I hear Vernon starting to talk once more. 

Vernon: We should go tonight, under cover of dark. I'll go let my people know, give you all a chance to prepare. I'll be back before midnight.

Christa: Be careful.

Vernon: That's how I'm still alive. 

Clem and I watch as Vernon leaves, and the group splits up. Carley and Lee come walking towards up, finding us on the stairs. For a moment, I look at Clem; I can tell she has a plan. Carley and Lee look at us. 

Carley: Hey, guys. I thought you were supposed to be in your room. 

Lee: How long have you been on the stairs? 

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