Season 2/Chapter 5: Thieves In The Night

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Y/N Pov. 

Clementine and I stand up fully, staring at the Doctor as he says to wait. Even the woman, whatever her name is, sounded surprised but probably for a completely different reason than we are. It's a pain in the ass already and we've not even been here for ten minutes. 

Doctor: By tomorrow morning, if the fever's set in, we'll know if she's gonna turn. In the meantime, we can lock her in the shed.

He looks at me. 

Doctor: You can stay inside with us for the time being. 

I look at him dumbfounded. 

Y/n: Screw that. Wherever Clem goes, I go. And what about her arm? It needs to get cleaned, and stitched, and bandaged.

Luke: He's right, the girl's in bad shape, Carlos.

I look at the doctor, apparently named Carlos, to see what his response is as one of the others speaks. 

Black Man: We have all that stuff inside the cabin, we could probably get by with-

Black Woman: Alvin, please.

The man, Alvin, stops. 

Alvin: But, yeah, we can't do nothing.

Y/n: (Sigh) Thanks for the thought. 

Carlos looks at Clementine. 

Carlos: I'm not wasting supplies on a lurker bite. If it turns out you're telling the truth, I'll clean it and stitch it up for you in the morning.

Y/n: Are you sure you're a doctor? Because I'm honestly thinking that that's a bunch of bullshit. Anyone would realise that walker bite or not, having an open wound will lead to her getting sick and getting a fever. 

Carlos doesn't say anything back to me, and I look at the others. 

Y/n: Are you guys fucking serious? How is it an eleven year old knows this and you don't? 

Black Woman: I think I'll trust the doctor and not some kid. 

I turn back around, but Carlos has already walked away and he's not on my good side anymore. Luke looks at us and while he seems conflicted, he's still going along with this bullshit. Not even thinking about what I said, I guess. 

Luke: I'm sorry. It's the best we're gonna get.

Clementine looks at me and I look back. I can tell she's worried, and so am I. However, I try to comfort her a bit, patting her back as I stand beside her. At the same time, Pete offers the rifle back to the white guy with the itchy trigger finger, and he grabs it out of his hands.

Pete: Finger off the trigger, son.

White Guy: I ain't your son.

Luke: Don't be like that, Nick. 

Pete: It's alright. Boy's got his mom's temper.

The white guy, Nick, looks at us. 

Nick: Come on.

With that, Luke, Nick, Clementine, and I walk away as the sun starts to set. In the meantime, I can hear that woman in the back. 

Black Woman: This is just a waste of time. You'll see. And when she turns and eats her friend, I ain't gonna be the one cleaning up the shed.

Clementine looks at Luke as we walk. 

Clementine: It was a dog, you'll see.

Luke: I guess we'll find out in the morning.

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