Season 2/Chapter 11: Quick Steps, Slow Breaths

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Y/N Pov. 

Luke looks at us and I can see there's some panic on his face. He's trying to stay calm, but at this point there's no need for any of it. 

Luke: You were with Nick, right? We gotta go find him.

Before we can say anything, Sarah blurts out about the man and woman who'd come inside the cabin. 

Sarah: People were here. A man and a woman. 

Carlos: What?!

Y/n: (Sigh) Here we go. 

Rebecca: What did she say? 

Sarah: Two people came to the cabin. 

Rebecca: What?!

Sarah: They talked to them. 

Rebecca turns to us. 

Rebecca: And you just opened the door for them?!

I roll my eyes and Luke looks at Rebecca. 

Luke: Calm down, Rebecca. 

Rebecca: Calm down?! I am calm! You calm down!

Luke: We don't know anything yet.

I cross my arms and look at Rebecca as well as the others who seem so keen on blaming us for what happened. Everyone other than Luke that is. 

Y/n: Of course we didn't. The guy opened the door and he walked in with his daughter. 

Clementine: Yeah. We tried locking the door, but it was too late by then. 

Sarah quickly looks at Carlos. 

Sarah: They're telling the truth!

Carlos takes his eyes off of Sarah and now glances at us. 

Carlos: Did they say their names? Did they say what their names were?

I look at Clementine. 

Y/n: What were their names again? 

As I ask Clem, I hear Rebecca talking to Alvin. 

Rebecca: Maybe it wasn't them. 

Alvin: You know damn well who it was.

Rebecca turns away from Alvin; like the others, she asks what their names were with a panicked tone in her voice. Again, I look at Clem as I can't exactly remember what the names of these two were. Not sure if it's because I've got bad memory, or if it's because it's like one of those times a person asks you something you know and your mind goes blank. Either way, my mind isn't keen on remembering right now. 

Clementine: The woman said her name was Madison and said her father's name is George. 

Y/n: Oh, yeah. She was being really creepy to me. Almost like she was ignoring Clementine, but wouldn't stop touching me. I thought Clementine was going to rip her hands off if I didn't stop her. 

Clementine: That woman... There's gotta be something wrong with her. 

I can tell Clem was starting to get angry again, so I gently grab one of her hands and look at her. 

Y/n: Just breathe, Clem. It's fine. She's gone. 

Clementine stands in front of me and looks up. She puts her hand on my cheek and stares into my eyes. 

Clementine: But she just kept touching you, and you were clearly uncomfortable. 

She moves her hand and grips her fist tightly. 

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