Season 2/Chapter 30: The Longest Night Yet

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3rd Pov. 

Y/n and Clem sit down at the campfire together with the others. Carley looks at them, but doesn't say anything. She's happy that they're okay, giving them a smile which they reciprocate. They notice that Jane, the woman from before was sitting alone at a corner of the room. Though their attention is quickly taken back to the conversation. Rebecca looks at the two as she speaks on Kenny's plan. 

Rebecca: Your friend here wants to get us killed by lurkers before Bill can do it.

Kenny: What is it with you?

Rebecca: That's what it sounds like to me.

Y/n looks at Clem. 

Y/n: What did we just get involved in? 

Clementine: Sounds like an argument. 

Sarita turns to Rebecca, trying to defend Kenny while also acknowledging how risky the plan is. 

Sarita: You know that's not what he's saying, does sound dangerous. 

Kenny: This shit is all dangerous!

Sarita: Kenny! Do not speak to me like that.

Kenny: Okay, okay. Sorry.

Back to what they were saying, Y/n and Clem both thought about the plan after overhearing it while walking up. And safe to say both are onboard since it's probably the safest bet on getting out of here. 

Clementine: Sound draws walkers.

Y/n: Yeah, and I think I know somebody in here who's an expert at that. 

He looks towards Molly which gains her attention. 

Y/n: Molly here used to run around the rooftops in Savannah, using the bells to lure the walkers away from where she needed to be. 

Kenny: Yeah, that's right. She had em' running all over Crawford. 

Carley: Yeah. Even though the first time we met her the bell ringing did almost screw us over.  

Carley chuckles and playfully pushes Molly's shoulder. She rolls her eyes. 

Molly: Hey, I didn't know you guys back then. But yeah, we just need something loud. 

Rebecca: Well, unless one of you have a megaphone tucked in your pocket, it doesn't help us much now. I still vote we get Luke the radio and wait for an opening.

Kenny sighs. 

Kenny: Oh, come on...

The kids are slightly surprised after hearing this as they hadn't yet known about Luke telling the others about the plan. Which in hindsight makes sense as he wouldn't have had the time to tell them. Not with Troy and Madison lurking around. 

Clementine: You know about Luke? 

Mike: He flagged us down when Troy wasn't looking. Told us his plan... mentioned he'd talked to you two.

Y/n: Yeah, he talked to us alright. Almost gave him a flaming uppercut. 

Molly: Geez, what earned him that? 

Y/n: Jumpscared us essentially. 

Rebecca gets into the conversation again as she talks about Luke.  

Rebecca: If Luke can tell us what's going on with the guards, we can use that to pick a good time to escape.

Sarita: That seems reasonable.

Kenny, still against the plan, doesn't go along with it. 

Kenny: Who knows when that'll be? Look, the kids had it right. We just need something loud to get their attention.

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