Season 2/Chapter 42: Search Party

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3rd Pov.

After walking a little more the group makes it back to Parker's Run. The mood in the air is...less than good. Clementine is holding Y/n's hand as they walk and soon the others see them coming, the first being Mike.

Mike: Son of a bitch. You found 'em!

Luke: Yeah, I'm a little amazed myself, to tell you the truth. If it weren't for Clem, Y/n, Molly and Jane, well... I don't know what would've happened.

Rebecca, with the help of Carley, approaches the others. It's really easy to tell that the baby will be coming soon, probably any moment now. It's all just a matter of time at this point. She really shouldn't be moving, but she's just so excited to see Luke and Sarah. Until now, Carley, Bonnie, and Mike were keeping her still.

Rebecca: Sarah, how you doing, hon?

Rebecca tries to put her hand on Sarah's shoulder, but she shrugs it away.

Rebecca: That's okay, sweetie. Whenever you're ready, I'm just glad you're here.

She looks around for a moment, trying to find Nick, but she doesn't see him so she turns to Luke.

Rebecca: But wait, wait. Where's Nick?

Y/n looks at Luke and nods to Rebecca, signalling to him that he needs to tell her what has happened to Nick.

Luke: Uh, Rebecca, how about we go for a walk for a minute?

Luke and Rebecca walk a short distance away.

Bonnie: Let's just give 'em some space. Carley and I have something we need to talk to y'all about, too.

A short distance away, the group can hear Rebecca crying as she finds out about Nick. About what had happened to him near the fence. While none of them are sure how he died, all they knew is that he was for sure dead. Bite or not, it doesn't really matter at the moment or at all.

Rebecca: No... no...

Bonnie and Carley lead them further away from Luke and Rebecca to give them some privacy. After a minute, they make it out of earshot of Rebecca and Luke, which is when they give them the full rundown of her condition.

Carley: There's no easy way of saying this, so I'm not going to sugarcoat it. The baby is on it's way a lot faster than Rebecca is letting on.

Bonnie looks at the kids.

Bonnie: Carley's right. None of us really know what to do, but I was hoping you might know... Does Luke know anything about babies? Has he, I dunno, mentioned Carlos teaching him anything? Just in case?

Y/n: Nope. From what I heard... Well, I haven't heard anything. I doubt he knows how.

Bonnie: I was afraid of that. I don't know anything, Mike sure as hell doesn't, and I don't even know how to ask Jane... Then that just leaves...Kenny... unless Molly-

Molly: Don't look at me. I know how to take people out, not bring them in.

Bonnie sighs and looks over at a tent nearby.

Bonnie: He brought Sarita in there not long after you all left. I don't know if he's...done it yet. Ain't seen him since... I don't think he's doing well.

Y/n: Well I wouldn't be if I had to do the same to Clem. But I'd still be able to hold myself together. At least until after I did what I had to do.

Clementine looks at Y/n.

Clementine: Same. If I had to see you off... I don't think I could. Not alone.

Carley: I think it's best you two go talk to him.

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