Chapter 24: Fast Enough

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As Kenny goes to deal with the walker, pulling at it to get it unstuck from beneath the RV, Lilly begins her tirade. It's clear that she has two suspects or at least Carley from her side of things. Lilly looks around at the others outside, Carley, Lee, and Ben, while Y/n & Clementine are still in the doorway. 

Kenny: Fucking thing ripped in half!

Lilly, seething, but keeping herself in check, looks at Ben and Carley. Whose arms are crossed in annoyance from being accused while lacking any evidence. All because Lilly had a hunch it was her.

Lilly: You know what, we shouldn't just kick you out, we should hear what everybody thinks.

Ben: I think you should chill out.

Carley: I'm not gonna take this. You can push Ben around but you can't push me around.

Y/n: Yeesh, come on, guys. Let's be cool about this. 

Lilly ignores Y/n, instead focusing on Carley. 

Lilly: I'm really sorry you feel that way. I'm starting to think maybe it was both of you.

Upon hearing this, Ben slightly starts to panic more and more noticeably. 

Ben: No!

Y/n looks at him. 

Y/n: Calm down, Ben. Everything will be okay. 

Towards the front of the RV, Kenny is getting frustrated with the walker. It snips at him, trying to bite him, but he pulls his hand back just in time to avoid it. 

Kenny: Gah, this dumb-fuck walker!

Lee: You okay over there?

Kenny: Yeah, yeah... son of a bitch. 

In the meantime, Clementine is sitting beside Y/n as Lilly starts to press Ben more. More cracks beginning to show in him due to fear. 

Lilly: Ben, you have no other options here.

Carley: Leave him alone.

Lilly gets closer to Ben, trying to coerce him into saying Carley was the culprit all along. 

Lilly: You can tell me it was Carley and then everything will be right as rain. Don't you think so, Kenny?

Kenny doesn't say anything, still too busy with the walker, and Y/n looks at Lilly. 

Y/n: Lilly, you can't force him to say something if it isn't true. You don't even have proof it was him or Carley. 

Lee: Y/n's right. There's no way it was Carley. It was somebody else. It could've even been someone sneaking into our camp.

Lilly: That's ridiculous. That's what you think?

Lee: Yes. 

Lilly: Okay, fine, then. Kenny?

Kenny: I don't know! Fuck! Just stop, would ya?!

Lilly: Well, your vote counts for you and Katjaa.

Ben looks at Lilly, panicking, trying to find anything that he can do to stop this. 

Ben: We don't need all these votes! What do I have to do for you to trust me? I'll do anything! I-I'll do watches for months!

Lilly: Ha, the hell you will.

Ben: I'll get more food, more medicine, anything, just-

Lilly: You think any of that is good now?!

Ben: Just let me stay, please! God, please!

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