Chapter 37: Cleared

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Y/N Pov. 

As we all make it into the house, but Omid has a hard time due to his leg being messed up. 

Omid: Argh!

Christa: Sorry! Sorry!

She sets him on the couch.

Omid: No, it's okay. I'm good. Feel better already just being off my feet. Thanks, babe.

I walk over to Clementine as we look around at the stuff on the walls. There's a large framed portrait of a family and their dog. I think it's the same one Lee dug up, but before it had died, obviously. 

Y/n: A painted portrait? These people were fancy. 

Clementine: Hey, Y/n. 

I turn around and look at Clementine. 

Y/n: What's up, Clementine? 

She walks up to me and grabs my hand, pulling me over to the couch. Hopping up on top of it, she pats the seat next to her. 

Clementine: Sit here with me. 

I take my guitar off from my back and place it by the couch along with my baseball bat before jumping up on it. As we sit by each other, she looks at me and asks me about the others in the kitchen. Christa, Lee, Carley, and Kenny all went inside there to talk about something I believe.

Clementine: What do you think they're talking about? 

Y/n: I'm not sure. It could be about the person we saw on the tower. 

Clementine: Did you guys really see someone? 

Y/n: Yeah. They were running on the roof before they disappeared. They had on a red hoodie, but their face was covered I think. Couldn't see the face super well from down on the street. 

I sit further back on the couch and Clementine places her backpack by my stuff. A few minutes pass and soon the others come out of the kitchen, so Clementine and I walk over to Lee who's standing by Carley. We get their attention and they look at us. 

Clementine: Can I help? What if there's another locked door?

Y/n: Yeah, what can we do? 

Lee: I think you've both been helpful enough for one day, kids. Why don't you just see if Christa and Omid need anything, okay?

Clementine: Okay.

Y/n: Sure. What are you going to do in the meantime? 

Carley: We're going to check the house for any walkers that we might not have seen yet. Just securing the place, y'know? 

Y/n: (Nods) Yeah. Be safe. 

Carley: Of course. 

Lee and Carley go off to go search the house for any unwelcome guests, Clementine and I start to walk around the halls of the house with each other. Not helping Christa at the moment since she  isn't doing anything at the moment. 

Y/n: What do you think about the house so far, Clem? 

Clementine: I like it a lot better than being out on the streets with the walkers, but... 

Y/n: But? 

Clementine: But this place is kind of creepy. 

I look around at how old the house looks and I get what Clementine's feeling. This place looks old and sometimes old places are haunted, I think. She steps closer to me and I nod. 

Y/n: Yeah, I can see that. This place looks like some haunted house. But if you think about it, aren't all houses haunted now? 

Clementine looks at me and tilts her head, but I explain it to her. 

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