Season 3/Chapter 11: Back In Town

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3rd Pov. 

After finding their way back to Richmond, the group sneaks in through the sewer system. They climb out of grate into an alley and it actually reminds Y/n of that time when he and Lee had to deal with walkers in the sewer some years back. Though this time the sewers weren't filled with the dead so traversing the sewers wasn't so bad.

David: I'm thinking this'll go a lot better if we split up. A group this big can't exactly sneak around. Particularly if they're expecting us.

Tripp: Eleanor's in there somewhere. I'm going after her.

Conrad looks at Tripp. 

Conrad: Then I'm coming with you.

David: Lingard brought her to the clinic. That's your best bet. Javi. That's where you'll go to get Kate and Gabe. Then bring them to my house. It's the one with the raven on the hitching post. We'll all meet up there... after I pay a little visit to Joan... Stay out of sight. They'll be keeping an eye out for us.

Javier: As soon as I can get Kate and Gabe, we'll see you back at the house.

David: Roger that. 

David leaves with Max, taking him with him as he's a part of the plan to get at Joan. No better evidence than a literal witness and involved individual. This way he also won't be able to get himself out somehow. 

Tripp: I'll scout ahead. 

Tripp and Conrad leave to go scout, leaving Javier, Clem, and Y/n. Javier looks at them and asks what their plan is, but it's already set in stone. 

Javier: What about you two?

Clementine: I'm pretty sure we've still got some friends in the New Frontier. If they know where AJ and Molly are being held, they'll tell us. As soon as we find them, we're taking that truck and getting the hell out of here.

Y/n: Yeah. It'll be best for all parties involved if we head out before things get too crazy. Probably. 

Javier: Well, you two are owed a vehicle.

He's given a nod by Y/n, but Clementine warns Javier of his brother before anything else is said. 

Clementine: Keep an eye on David. He may be playing nice, but I'd still watch your back.

Y/n: She's right. He might be family, but blood is only so thick. 

Javier: Give me a little credit, kids. I can handle David

Clementine: I really hope you're right. Family means something different now. You have to make it for yourself. 

Y/n: We did. Though it's a little easier for us since our family was pretty much dead. Either way, I know you'll do what you've gotta do. 

Clementine: See you when we see you.

Clementine and Y/n leave to go find their old friends and Dr.Lingard as Tripp returns with Conrad by his side. 

Tripp: David said to hang a right up at that corner. Seems clear so far.

Javier: Let's move.

Javi, Tripp, and Conrad sneak along the street. Javi joins Conrad in hiding behind a car with Tripp as Soldiers are nearby the group. Only two, but all it takes is one to spot them and shit goes down. They've gotta be careful about their next moves or it's all over. The two soldiers begin talking about Javier and one says he's just a ball player so they shouldn't be worried. 

Tripp: There's the medical center. We go in, we get Elle, we get Kate and Gabe, we get out.

Conrad: Not that easy, man. We've seen them AKs before, and they ain't afraid to use 'em.

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