Season 2/Chapter 43: A Possible Threat

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Y/N Pov. 

Clementine and I get to work looking at the deck while trying to find anything that we could use. While I could just melt the lock, Jane isn't a huge fan of the idea. At least not at the moment. But it's whatever. 

Clementine: C'mon, Y/n. Let's look over here. 

Clem and I look around the front of the deck, but all we see is some big cannon. Clem looks at Jane. 

Clem: You think this thing still works?

Jane: Heh! Check the muzzle, Napoleon.

She and I look inside the barrel of the cannon and find that it's been sealed up with what looks like concrete.

Y/n: Cement? 

Jane: They fill 'em with cement so they're safe.

Y/n: What do you mean "safe"? I'm pretty sure no one within the last hundred years was carrying a cannon ball. 

Jane shrugs. 

Jane: You never know. I mean, what's to stop someone from wanting to fill out their fantasy of becoming a pirate? 

I shake my head and turn back around where I find Clementine standing near an old telescope. I see her look through it as she tells us what she's seeing through it. 

Clementine: There's some buildings across the river. I think I can see a church...

Jane: The nearest river crossing is miles up. Rebecca wouldn't make it in her condition. Keep it in mind that-

Before she can finish her thought, Clem interrupts her. 

Clementine: There's someone coming toward us.

Y/n: What? 

Without taking another step forward, I grab Clem's hand and we duck down along with Jane who sneaks over to us. We watch as some guy approaches us and from the looks of it he isn't travelling with anyone. He's skinny, pale, has brown hair and glasses. Kind of reminds me of Ben... Minus the glasses. 

Y/n: (Whisper) Just great. Some random asshole is here. 

Jane: Shit, shit, shit. He's coming this way. And who knows if he has friends nearby?

Y/n: Judging by his appearance, there's no way he's alone. I doubt he could make it if he was. 

Clementine gets closer to me as she quietly asks Jane and I about the guy. 

Clementine: Why's he coming up here?

I shrug. 

Y/n: How should I know? 

Jane: It doesn't matter, we should scope him out and see what he's up to. I don't like having some stranger sneaking around so close to the others. We've got enough on our plates with a baby coming. Last thing we need is someone telling their friends about the new, easy targets in the neighborhood.

I give Jane a nod. 

Y/n: Agreed. 

Clementine: We can distract him. 

Jane: Good call. 

I look back to Jane. 

Y/n: Be ready. 

The guy starts to walk up the stairs so we all get into position. Clementine & I hide behind the cannon, as Jane hides in the room. The guy reaches the deck & tries to put the bag inside the trash can. We peek over the cannon to watch him & it looks like he can barely fit the bag inside the trash can. 

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