Season 3/Chapter 4: Never Hold A Sneeze

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3rd Pov. 

Conrad: Fucking animal.

One of the soldiers opens the gate and prepares a bomb. Javi shoots him, and the bomb goes off. Max, aka Guy 2, looks at Badger and tries to explain that they didn't have permission to do anything yet. 

Max: What the fuck?! We don't have the go-ahead!

Badger: No, fuck you, and fuck the go-ahead! Ram the fucking gate!

Tripp: Jesus Christ!

One of the trucks drive through the gates, but ends up falling on its side after tipping over, and the walkers in the back escape. The New Frontier throws tear gas bombs into Prescott. A walker attacks Javi, and he kills it. Multiple walkers start attacking people and Y/n grabs Clementine to keep her close to to him. They could hear Tripp yelling. 

Tripp: Fucking tear gas!

A walker tries to grab Y/n, but he takes his baseball bat and smacks it in the legs. The walker quickly tips over, going face first to the ground. Y/n stomps its head in to finish it off and he's grabbed by another, but Clementine shoots it in the back of the head. She goes over to him. 

Clementine: Come on! 

Y/n: Ain't gotta tell me twice. 

They run out of the street, trying to get out of the way and get their bearings while Javier kills a walker attacking a woman and gets grabbed by another one, only to kill it a moment later. He's found by Tripp a moment after he yelled about the tear gas. 

Javier: I have to find Kate and Gabe! Can you help us?!

Tripp: Go, man. I'll hold these assholes off.

Javi wanders through the town. A walker grabs him as he walks by, and he kills it. As he's walking, trying to find people, he hears Gabe, his nephew. 

Gabe: Javi!

Javier: Gabe!

Javier tackles and kills a walker approaching Gabe, Kate, and Eleanor. He dives out of the way of a car, and shoots the driver when he gets out. Eleanor helps Kate walk over to the car. Y/n & Clem spot the rest of the group and start heading towards them as they get situated. Eleanor gets Kate and sees a spot in the back of a car. 

Eleanor: Let's just use this. There's enough room for her.

Gabe, Kate, and Eleanor get in the car.

Eleanor: Javi!

A walker approaches him, but is run over by Tripp's van. 

Tripp: Head east, we'll catch up!

Javi and his family drive off. Clem and Y/n catch up with Tripp and hop in with him and Conrad. Prescott's citizens are massacred by walkers and New Frontier soldiers. Soon, the group is out on the road with Eleanor's car leading in front, she looks back while driving and asks if they're being followed. 

Eleanor: Are they following us?

Javier: Just the other car. Looks like we're okay.

At the same time, Y/n and Clem are sitting in the back by themselves while Conrad is with Tripp up front. Y/n grabs his hat and sighs. 

Y/n: That was pretty close, huh? 

Clementine: Closest we've been in awhile to death, yeah. 

Y/n: Could be worse. At least we got out alright. 

He grabs her hand and she lays her head on his shoulder, but soon the van starts to pull over along with Eleanor's car. Everybody soons gets out of their vehicles, except for Kate, and it is some mess to say the least. Y/n and Clem sit against a car, but Tripp looks at Eleanor and he's ecstatic to find her alive. 

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