Chapter 19: Long Road Ahead

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Y/N Pov. 

It's been a few weeks since the incident at the St.John's and Kenny, Lee, and I are in Macon. Kenny is wearing a backpack and holding a pistol, Lee has a rifle, and I have my baseball bat. We're sneaking through Macon now and Kenny peeks around a corner as we wait for a signal. 

Y/n: See anything? 

Kenny doesn't say anything for a moment, but then nods, and we all walk out into the empty road. I look around the area and it's gotten a lot worse over the last couple of months, there's even more broken glass and rubble around. Two months ago we found a green army Jeep, a large eighteen wheeler, and even a helicopter here. Though the helicopter has crashed into the pharmacy. 

Kenny: Looks like this is our lucky day.

Y/n: Well there's no walkers outside as far as I can see, at least. 

Lee: Yeah, this might actually go smoothly.

Kenny: We deserve it after last time.

We all start to look around the Macon streets, looking for anything we can take that we might've missed before. I see Lee look inside a broken and partially boarded-up window into "Tim's Tools & More," but he comes back over to us.

Y/n: I guess nothing was inside. 

We keep walking and I notice Kenny smile, but then grabs his side as he groans. 

Kenny: Man. 

Y/n: Are you okay, Kenny? 

He looks at me and gives a thumbs up. 

Kenny: I'm alright, just a little pinch is all. 

It's been a little over a month since the St.John's and the supplies we found in that station wagon is drying up faster than we all thought it would. We've been scavenging Macon just hoping to find something else and so far we've been lucky, but sooner or later our luck will run out. 

Kenny: Lee, where do you come down on staying or going?

Lee: You mean packing up the motel and getting in the RV?

Kenny: Yeah. We've been talking about it, but you made up your mind yet?

Lee: We should go. 

I look at Lee. 

Y/n: You really think we should? 

Lee: As much as I don't want to leave, the motel's run its course and it's not safe.

I think back to the bandits that have been bothering us lately and Lee's right, the place isn't safe anymore. Unfortunately, our home is no longer the safe place it was at the start of it all. I look at Lee. 

Y/n: Yeah, you're right. We should go. 

From the left of me, I hear Kenny start talking as we walk. He seems excited we decided to go. He looks at Lee. 

Kenny: You're damn right it has. We pile into the RV and don't pull over 'til we see water. And if Lilly's dead-set on staying, then, well, that's the way it goes.

As Kenny finishes, we finally stop in front of the eighteen wheeler that blocks our path to the pharmacy. 

Kenny: Okay, just like last time. Over the rig, into the pharmacy, and scrape together whatever supplies are left.

Y/n: You think there will be much left after last time? 

Lee: Y/n's right, we didn't leave much in there.

Kenny: We're out of options. Something's better than nothing.

Y/n: Can't argue with that, I guess. 

I tip my hat down to keep the sun from my eyes and unlike the other two who typically use the ladder to climb over, I run and jump. However, as I jump I shoot a quick stream of fire from the bottom of my feet which launch me up on top of the rig. I look back down at the other two and smile. 

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