Season 4/Chapter 14: Strength and Tangents

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Y/N Pov. 

As AJ lays against the tree, Clem and I take care of the walkers coming for us. They're coming at us from all angles, but we're not worried. For AJ, yes, but for ourselves, no. We have trained for this our whole lives. One comes at from the front, but I kick it back before swinging my baseball bat into its head and crushing in its head in from the temple. Another one comes but I kick in it's knee and Clementine stabs it through the temple. 

Clementine: To the right. 

I turn and five are coming this time, but all in a straight line for some reason like one's playing line leader. Not wanting to waste time and energy, I wave my hand and summon my fire from the pits of my soul. The fire flows around like a whip in the air and spills out of my hand on an occasion. 

By clapping my hands together and shaping the flame that moves like a liquid, I form a very long lance from my two hands. One long enough to pierce all of these walkers all at once. In what feels like an instant, I throw it with great might and it pierces the head of all five until it finally reaches the back of the last and flies into a tree. More and more keep coming, but Clem helps fend them off if they get too close. 

Clementine: Damn, how many of them are there? 

Y/n: (Shrugs) Don't know, but it doesn't matter. Just keep fighting. 

I see a walker grab Clem, but she tosses it over her shoulder like a judo practitioner, stomping it's head in afterward. Another tries to sneak up on her, but I quickly take my bat to it's head in quick succession. Clementine and I are starting to get a little bit winded, but we keep on doing our best to keep these bastards back. One starts walking toward us, but this one looks off. Not walker off, but something else. I go to raise my bat and attack, but it puts its hands up much to our shock. I notice it's a guy in a walker skin mask now that I'm actually getting a good look at him. 

Guy: No. Here to help. 

The guy picks up then throws a rock, drawing the walkers to the noise. 

Guy: Follow.

I pick up AJ and all three of us follow the guy. He leads us through the darkened forest until he stops, pointing us to look over at a log. 

Guy: There.

He points to a log, and I set AJ down on it. The guy sets down a torch and lifts AJ's shirt to reveal the wound. There's a few wounds and it breaks my heart to see. That should've been me, but my instincts kicked in to protect me from the attack. 

Y/n: Oh, god. AJ, I'm so sorry. 

The man looks at me and Clem. 

Guy: One of you. Get the shrapnel out. 

Clementine: W-What? Us? 

Guy: I'll keep him still.

He holds AJ's still while Clem looks at AJ, pulling out her knife. I stop her and hold out my hand for it. 

Y/n: This is my fault. I should be the one filled with lead, not AJ. Let me do it. 

Clementine: Honey, it's not your fault-

Y/n: Yes it is. So I'm going to help fix my mistake. 

Reluctantly, Clem hands her blade to me and I use heat from my fingers to heat up the blade to sterilize it before cooling it back down with my ability to absorb heat from things. With nothing left to do, I get down to business. I start to take out the pieces of shrapnel from the shotgun and thank god AJ was so far ahead when he got hit with the buckshot. Otherwise, if he'd been closer, he might've died. 

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