Season 3/Chapter 25: We'll Meet Again

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3rd Pov. 

As the group splits up, Javier, Kate, and Ava ride the bulldozer as it mows down walkers. Jesus and other Kingdom soldiers are killing walkers after they rode in by themselves. Luckily they've not gotten swarmed by anything yet. Jesus is in a different type of clothing than he had been before. It's sort of like he's wearing armor, but not made of metal. Looks more like football gear painted black by them. 

Jesus: Well, there's a happy sight. Can you help us get the gate open?

Javier: Almost didn't recognize you, Jesus!

Jesus: Once I got in contact with my people, I headed right back. Had to make sure you folks were safe.

Kate: think I'm getting the hang of this!

Javier: We'll keep the muertos away. Just get me to the gate so I can open it up.

Ava looks at Javier. 

Ava: I got your back, Javi!

Javi and Ava shoot at the walkers. Kate continues to bulldoze over them. One tries to crawl onto the back by pulling itself up, but before it can, it's shot in the head by somebody. Javier and Ava look back and on a roof they see Tripp waving at them. Javier waves back and Kate informs him that they're almost by the gate mechanism. 

Kate: We're almost there! Javi, get in the busket and I'll lift you to the top of the gate!

Javier: Busket? 

Ava looks at him and points to the scooper in the front of the bulldozer. 

Ava: She means the big bucket on the front. I'll keep them off of you. 

Javi starts to climb down and a walker grabs his leg; Ava shoots it off of him and it gets run over by the big bulldozer. 

Javier: Aw, yuck!

Kate: Javi, the busket!

Javier: Right. Yeah. Busket.

Ava groans. 

Ava: It's called a grapple bucket. 

Jesus look at Javier. 

Jesus: Nice of you folks to drop by!

Javi gets into the bucket, and it lifts Javi up. He climbs onto the top of the gate.

Javier: I'll have it open in a second!

Javi climbs up to the control panel but it's filled up by many different buttons. Each different in size and color. 

Javier: They couldn't just have an "open gate" button?

He fidgets around with all of them until he finally presses the right button and it opens. 

Kate: You did it, Javi!

Javier: Bingo. 

Kingdom Soldier: Let's get inside and wrangle the walkers together! If we get them in one group, we can lead them right out!

The group moves through the streets of Richmond, soon reaching a large group of walkers. Meanwhile, away from them, Clem & Y/n are riding by themselves on a singular motorcycle. Ducking through crowds of walkers, Y/n and Clem drive as they follow the path David's big dumbass truck came through. It practically plowed through a lot of them, but there's still an enormous amount of them lurking. 

Y/n: What a pain in the dick... 

He turns, passing by a walker that tried to grab at them but the motorcycle is too fast. 

Clementine: It looks like they barreled through a lot. 

Y/n: Yeah. Might of gotten stuck not too far up ahead. 

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