Chapter 15: When the Cows Come Home

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As the group/trio of guys look around the camp, they ponder who could be living there and how many. While it really only looks like two people, due to the pair of sleeping bags, it also could be more. Danny stands around looking for stuff while Y/n speaks with Lee over the piled up boxes.

Lee: Find anything? 

Y/n: Nope. Nothing much. I hope this camp is abandoned now or something, but I doubt it is. 

Lee: Yeah. We just need to keep looking. 

Y/n nods and he looks at the table with all of the boxes on top. He grabs a box and looks inside as Lee pushes a few around, but neither find anything except for empty cans. Danny sees them looking at said boxes as he turns around. 

Danny: What's in the boxes?

Lee: They're all from Save-Lots.

Danny: The first few days they told folks to gather to the Save-Lots by the interstate. Anything worth taking?

Y/n drops the box he's holding as he finds that it's empty and once again, Lee looks back to Danny while holding an empty can. 

Lee: Not unless you need a bunch of empty cans.

Danny: Heh, I'll pass.

Walking around, Y/n spots a shopping cart just standing by a tree with more empty boxes laying inside. 

Y/n: (Mind) Who steals a shopping cart? 

He pokes at the boxes, but the only sound he hears is more empty cans being rattled as he does. 

Y/n: Nothing. 

Since he finds nothing, he goes back to the table and starts to move around more boxes like Lee was until he suddenly comes across a box...with a St.John Logo on the front. Y/n glances back at Danny for second before turning to Lee and tapping his arm, getting his attention. Lee looks at him, but he points out the Dairy box. 

Y/n: Look, it's a box from the dairy. 

Lee: Strange. 

He looks at Danny. 

Lee: Boxes from the dairy here.

Danny slightly freezes for a moment. 

Danny: Probably the food we've been giving'em. Fuckers crossed the line.

Lee nods, but isn't too sure about Danny's answer. While it was true they'd been giving them boxes of food, this camp was way too small to be just any bandits. But like Y/n before, he just brushes it off and goes on about searching the camp. After finally searching most of the camp,  Y/n goes over to the tent while Lee stays by the table just to double check in case he missed an item. 

Y/n: (Mind) While Lee's doing that, I should check in here for anything. 

Y/n steps inside the tent and looks at the sleeping bags as Lee looks at the table. Outside, with Lee, he searches over the table until, pushing one more box out of the way, until suddenly he comes across an old hand-held video camera. He picks it up from the table and looks over it as Danny turns to ask him what he found. 

Danny: What'd you find?

Lee: A video camera.

Danny freezes once again as he hears Lee before he quickly calls out to him. 

Danny: Lemme see that.

He quickly walks up to Lee, but before he can say anything Lee presses the "On" button. However, nothing happens. The camera's dead now and it won't turn on at the moment. 

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