Season 4/Chapter 20: The Attack On Ericson's

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Y/N Pov. 

Clem and I walk over to the watchtower that's by the gate. AJ's already there and probably has been for awhile. He's looking into and through a pair of binoculars out at the dark forest which surrounds the school. We climb up and join him up at the top, although AJ seems so focused on the task at hand. 

AJ: The raiders... That guy. He's gonna be with them.

Y/n: Abel? Yeah. I would think so considering he's Lilly's right hand man. 

I notice Clem look at AJ with some concern. 

Clementine: Your bad dreams. They're all about him, aren't they?

AJ stops looking through binoculars. 

AJ: Yeah. Can I swear yet? I think it's time I can. If you guys do.

I cross my arms. 

Y/n: Not up to me, I don't have a problem. You've gotta ask mama bear over here. 

AJ looks at Clem. 

Clementine: Fuck it. 

AJ: Really?!

Clementine: Go for it, kiddo. Everyone else swears, including us, you might as well, too.

AJ, releasing all of his pent up aggression, lets out a shit ton of swears. Which he probably got mostly from me considering how much I do. Clem does too, but I think I do it more. It surprises Clem. 

AJ: I fucking really hate that fucking dickhead shitfuck.

Clementine: Whoa! That's a little much, don't you think?

I look over to Clem and chuckle. 

Y/n: You did say he could and never gave a limit. 

Clementine: True. But try thinking about something else. Count the monsters you see.

AJ: Same number as before. Three...four...

I look down at my kid and pat his head. 

Y/n: Listen, AJ. It's perfectly fine if Abel frightens you. Everyone's afraid of something, even Clem and I. 

AJ: Really? I thought you guys weren't scared of anything.

I shake my head. 

Y/n: I wish I was. Clem's afraid of dogs, except Rosie, and I'm afraid of deep bodies of water. The only difference is that we all know how to control that. 

AJ looks back out with binoculars. 

AJ: There's ten monsters out there. He does frighten me. But when he comes here, I call dibs. I'm the one that kills him. Okay?

Taken aback by his request, Clem and I look at one another. 

Y/n: Hold on, let us think it over. 

She and I climb down from the tower and start talking to one another. 

Y/n: Well... what do you think we should do? Should we let him call dibs on Abel or what? 

Clementine: (Sighs) I... I don't want him thinking of killing someone as casual or easy. Especially not something fun. 

I grab her hands gently and look her in the eyes. 

Y/n: I agree, I don't want that either. But I think it'll be best if we...let him. 

Clementine: Why? 

Y/n: Closure. If AJ does this he won't be afraid anymore and it's not much different from me killing that asshole who kidnapped you back when we were eight. As long as we tell him it's nothing to be casual about then I think he'll get it. 

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