Season 2/Chapter 3: Out of Water

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Y/N Pov.

Clementine and I make our way toward the forest, but as we do we come across a sign buried in the skull of a walker. It's pinned into the ground & it looks like it's been there for a long time, at least a few months. Maybe a year.

Y/n: At least it's dead.

We start walking down the path ahead of us and into the forest where the trees cover us from the sun. The weather isn't bad, not too cold or too hot, and it's a little windy. I hear the sounds of the birds & other animals around us moving through the trees. I look at Clementine and ask her how she's doing.

Y/n: Are you alright, Clem?

She looks at me and nods.

Clementine: Yeah, I'm okay. I hope we're able to find a house or something soon. I don't want to be stuck out here again when night hits.

Y/n: Me neither. I guess that means we should get a move on.

Picking up the pace, I take the lead just in case there's anything ahead of us. While walking through the forest following the trail that's been laid out over however long it's been here, I notice another sign ahead of us. I stop to look at it with Clem standing beside me, and on it there's multiple pictures with different animals on it. I see some writing on the sign & read it.

Y/n: "You may encounter Black Bears, Coyotes, Mountain Lions, Poisonous Snakes, or Other Species. Stick to the trail and be aware of your surroundings at all times."

Clementine: Well... That's not exactly comforting.

Y/n: Maybe not if I was normal. But if we do happen to come across any animal, like a bear per say, I could make one hell of a meal out of it.

Clementine turns to me, but before she an say anything I hold up my hands and turn one of my fingers into fire.

Y/n: I'm feeling better than I was earlier. If we come across anything I'll just torch them. Bears can handle bullets, but let's see one handle a fist of fire burning a few thousand degrees that's capable of tearing through buildings.

Clementine: Good point.

Y/n: And since it rained last night I'm not as worried as starting a forest fire. We're all set. Let's keep going.

We stop looking at the sign and continue down the path ahead until a fallen tree blocks it. I jump over it and so does Clementine as we keep on walking. A couple minutes pass and eventually we hear what sounds like rustling coming from a nearby bush. I immediately step in front of Clem as I wait for something like a bear to pop out, but instead a dog walks out and Clementine steps out from behind me.

Clementine: Woah, a dog.

I look at the dog and it appears to be a German Shepard with a light brown coat. It has a dog tag, but I can't see it's name from here. The dog looks at us and growls, but Clementine tries to calm it down. She kneels down in front of it, but I'm a little wary of it. If it tries to jump at her I'll shoot it in the face.

Clementine: It's okay, boy, it's okay...

She checks it's collar.

Y/n: What's its name?

Clementine looks back at me.

Clementine: "Sam."

She looks back at the dog and smiles.

Clementine: Well, nice to meet you, Sam.

After a second, she stands up and Sam walks a short distance away, sniffing the ground as it walks. I'm a little confused at first, as is Clementine, and she asks me what's Sam up to.

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