Chapter 11: News & Action

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As the group stands around, still at an impasse, Y/n & Clementine walk over to Ben as he stands nervously. Y/n taps his arm to get his attention and Ben looks them, still standing nervously with his hands to his side. 

Clementine: Come over here and see what I drew.

Clementine tugs on Ben's sleeve.

Ben: What? No, I-

His hand is grabbed by Y/n and he starts to pull him forward. 

Y/n: Just come on, Ben. 

Finally giving in, mostly because he doesn't want to be around Lilly or Larry, Ben walks away with Y/n and Clementine. At the same time, Kenny walks up to Lilly as he's getting fed up with her. 

Kenny: You know, you like to think you're the leader of this little group, but we can make our own goddamn decisions! This isn't your own personal dictatorship!

Carley, standing close by in a purple vest and white shirt, rolls her eyes and looks at them. 

Carley: Oh, come on! You're being dramatic! 

The two turn to look at Carley. 

Carley: Everything always turns into a power struggle between you two! I'm not gonna be a part of that!

Annoyed, Carley walks away and Lilly starts to yell back at Kenny. 

Lilly: Hey, I didn't ask to lead this group! Everyone was happy to have me distributing the food when there was enough to go around, but now that it's running out, suddenly I'm a goddamn Nazi!

Lee walks up to the two as he places his hands in his pockets. 

Lee: Kenny's right. Yeah, you're in charge of the food and the schedules, but you're not in charge of people's lives.

Lilly: Really?

Kenny: You weren't there. Lee made a choice. End of story.

Kenny walks away with Duck following him, his rifle in hand as Lee looks at Lilly. He tries to get her to calm down and explain what they could do.  

Lee: Look, once Katjaa patches that guy up, you can kick them outta here... Send 'em out on their own, I couldn't care less. But they at least deserve a fighting chance against the walkers.

Lee pauses for a moment.   

Lee: And for the record, Kenny wanted to leave those people behind!

Lilly: (Sighs) If Kenny would pull his head out of his ass for five seconds, he'd realize that I make these decisions to protect his family! We simply don't have enough food!

Larry: I don't see any of you stepping up to make the hard decisions! My girl's got more balls than all of you combined!

Lilly: Dad, please. Why don't you go help Mark with the wall?

Larry leaves angrily and Lilly turns back to Lee. 

Lilly: You know what? If you think I'm doing such a shitty job, then you do it!

In a storm, Lilly goes over to the backpack next to the RV and takes out an apple, beef jerky, and two packages of crackers. She holds them out to Lee as he just stares at them, not wanting to go and take them. 

Lilly: That's all the food we have for today. You decide who gets to eat!

Lee: (Reluctant) Lilly...

Lilly: No, I'm serious. Pick up that food, and start handing it out. You see how it feels to not have enough food for everyone.

Lee takes the food and Lilly walks away as everyone takes a small glance at Lee before turning back to doing what they were a moment ago. Lee has four pieces of food, meaning that only a few people will be able to eat. As he thinks of who to give them food to, Y/n and Clementine are sitting by one another. Clementine is drawing a picture as Y/n sits with his guitar laying his lap. 

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