Chapter 17: Too Much Salt & A New Resolve

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Everyone in the room looks at Y/n on the ground, shocked and worried, none more so than Lee and Clem. Clementine quickly goes to him while trying to shake him to try and wake him up as Lee looks towards Kenny. In a split second, Lee calls to him and tells him to get his rifle. 

Lee: Kenny, get your gun!

Kenny stands up quickly, but Andy pulls a pistol from his belt and aims it at Lilly just as quickly.  

Andy: Nobody's going anywhere!

Standing up, Andy keeps his pistol aimed at everyone and Danny follows his brother. He stands up and grabs his rifle, aiming it at the others sitting down. The whole time, Clementine is crying as she tries to wake Y/n up, but he won't open his eyes. 

Danny: We got lots of use for y'all right here.

Andy points his gun at Kenny and with no other option, he returns to his seat. Larry looks at Brenda speechless and Lee turns his head to look at Y/n, his fist clenched in anger as he looks toward Andy. 

Lee: I swear if you hurt that boy!

Brenda looks at Lee from her chair and in a scarily calm voice, she tells him Y/n isn't dead. 

Brenda: He's not dead. We used a tasteless tranquilizer to put him to sleep. After Danny told us what happened in the woods, we'd rather be safe than sorry. 

Andy looks at Lee, his gun still drawn. 

Andy: And I wouldn't hope for him waking up anytime soon. We gave him enough of it to put a bull to sleep. Like mama said, safe than sorry.

Even though everyone was relieved Y/n was alive, Lee and Clem especially, it still didn't change the situation. 

Danny: We need him alive. We need all y'all otherwise the meat'll go bad. 

Once again, the chaos starts erupting again as the others start to yell at the St.Johns. 

Lilly: Put your guns down! We're walking out of here!

Kenny: You don't go near my fucking family!

Duck looks at Katjaa, scared about what he'd just ate. 

Duck: I don't wanna die. Mommy, what did I eat? 

On the ground still, Clementine is holding up Y/n's head as tears keep pouring from her eyes. Lee looks around at the chaos unfolding, but tries to get everyone to calm down so they can get out. 

Lee: Everyone, everything will be okay!

Clementine looks at Lee. 

Clementine: Lee! Lee...!

Andy looks at Clementine and reaches down at her, grabbing her by her hair and yanking her up to stand beside him, causing her to scream while pointing his gun at Lee. As she screams, flames from the candles on the table flicker. This was the final straw & Lee lunges at Andy while holding his arms out. 

Lee: I'll kill you!

Lee charges forward, but stops and takes a step back after Danny puts his rifle at Lee's neck. Suddenly, noises are heard in the hallway, and everyone turns to see Mark dragging himself along the ground. A bloody trail is behind him and everyone can see both of his legs are gone.

Mark: Please... someone!

Everyone gasps in shock and horror as he stops in front of the doorway. Lee then turns to Clementine.

Lee: Clem-


Danny whacks Lee with the end of his rifle and he blacks out alongside Y/n. 

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