Chapter 38: Love Is In the Air

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As everyone else is inside the house, Lee continues to shovel dirt onto the body until suddenly... he sees something in the corner of his eye. He turns to the fence and finds a figure staring at him. Almost as soon as Lee spots the figure, they run away, and Lee runs over to the fence as he grabs it. 

Lee: Hey. Hey! 

The figure turns the corner, but Lee shouts after him. 

Lee: You come back here, I'll kill you! You understand? I'll kill you!

Hearing the shouting, Christa and Ben run outside to the backyard to see what's going on. They spot Lee, and Christa calls out to him. 

Christa: Lee, what's going on?

He turns around. 

Lee: I saw someone standing there by the fence. Watching us.

Ben: A walker? 

Lee: No, too fast. Took off like a bat out of hell when I spotted them.

He leaves the fence and walks over to the other two.

Christa: Was it a man or a woman? 

Lee: Didn't get a good enough look.

Ben: What does it matter?

A second later, Carley comes walking out of the door. She looks at the three and asks them the same question they asked Lee. 

Carley: Guys, what the hell is going on out here? 

Christa looks at her. 

Christa: Lee saw some... stranger staring at him through the fence. Watching him. 

Carley puts her hands to her side, sighing. 

Carley: Jesus...

Christa: I'm wondering if it's the same guy who's been following us. The guy on the radio.

Carley: Could be. I mean, what are the odds that there's some random asshole following us? 

Again, the door opens and this time Kenny walks out of the house. He has a numb look on his face, but he looks like he's still trying. However, Lee is concerned about his well being after all that's happened. 

Lee: Kenny?

Kenny: I'm fine. Just... I'm fine. What's all the ruckus?

Carley: Lee caught someone watching us from outside the fence. 

Kenny: What? Who?

Lee: I can't be sure. They ran off before I could get a good look.

Ben: I don't like this one bit. Not one bit.

Christa looks at the others. 

Christa: Me either. Walkers are one thing, but the thought of someone out there actually stalking us...

Kenny: Alright, that's it. We've stuck around here long enough. It's time to get back on track, time to get down to the river and find ourselves a boat.

Christa: I don't know if Omid's well enough to move yet.

Kenny looks at Christa. 

Kenny: Well, he'd better get ready. Because I'm going down to River Street right now to find a boat, and as soon as she's ready to go we're moving out.

Thinking about all that's happened so far, especially with the stranger stalking them now, Lee sides with Kenny on this. Savannah isn't safe, not only is it filled with walkers, but now they're all being stalked. 

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