Chapter 41: Still Kicking

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Y/N Pov. 

After making it down into the sewer, Lee pulls me back just in time to avoid being landed on by a walker that fell through the sewer hole. Lee has Molly's pickaxe thing and I still have my baseball bat with me. The walker's head got smashed as it hit the ground, so it's dead and we won't have to worry about it. 

Y/n: Man, that was close. 

Lee walks over and look up at the hole we entered to get into the sewer. He calls out to the others who are probably still up top on the fire escape, wondering if we're alright or if we're... not.

Lee: Clementine, Carley, can you hear me? If you can hear me, just get back to the house, okay? We'll meet you there!

We both turn around and look at the deeper parts of the sewer. It's kind of dark down here and the only way down is a small staircase that leads to the bottom. I grip my bat before looking at Lee. 

Y/n: I guess we have to wander the sewer for a bit, huh? 

Lee: It seems like we have no other choice. Stay close. 

I nod and we start walking down the stairs into sewer, and the smell isn't exactly pleasant. I take my hat off of my head and use it to cover my nose, but the smell still lingers. It's like a ghost of all things stinky. 

Y/n: Jesus, I'd say someone should light a match, but...I don't think that'd help. 

Lee: (Laughs) Well it is a sewer. I wouldn't imagine it'd smell like flowers. 

We make it to the bottom of the stairs and in order to give us a little more light, I create a few small orbs of fire. Lee looks at me, but I raise a hand while looking at him as the orbs float around. 

Y/n: Don't worry, I'm okay. I won't be able to launch anything too powerful for a little bit, but I can do this. Just have to let my stamina build back up. 

As we walk down, we reach a tunnel sloping down with some sewage running through it. We begin to carefully walk through it, sticking to the sides so we don't slip and fall into the gross water at the bottom. After a few steps, we reach the end and jump down to the bottom. As we walk, turning a corner, Lee starts to talk to me. 

Lee: So... about you two following after us-

Y/n: I know, I know. We should've stayed at the house. 

Lee: Well, yeah, but that's not what I was going to say. 

I look at Lee as we walk. 

Lee: While you should've stayed at the house, I'm glad you went with Clementine. I know it was her idea. 

Y/n: What makes you say that? 

Lee doesn't say anything and stares at me, so I sigh. 

Y/n: Yeah, maybe it was. But why are you glad? 

Lee: You did what I asked and kept her safe. In the end, that's all that matters. 

We turn another corner as we walk. 

Y/n: Funnily enough, she also protected me. 

Lee: Really? 

Y/n: Yeah. We ran into a big group of walkers and I took out most of them, but one snuck up on me. She used my bat and hit it in the leg, knocking it down where I could finish it off. It's safe to say she had my back. 

Lee: (Smiles) Well how about that. 

After walking down another tunnel, we go to turn a corner when suddenly we spot a group of walkers. 

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