Season 2/Chapter 1: All That Remains

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Y/N Pov. 

Clementine: Y/n... Hey, Y/n!

I shake my head and stop looking at the sky as I hear Clementine call out my name. I turn to my right where I find her standing, still wearing her hat, but now she has a new hoodie we recently found. We also managed to scavenge a backpack she could use from a school we passed a little while back. Right now, however, we're in the woods in front of some rest stop that the others are curious about. 

Y/n: Sorry, I was looking at those birds. Did you see them? 

Clementine: (Giggles) Yeah. They were neat. 

I look at Clementine and she walks in front of me, holding her hand out. 

Clementine: Come on, Carley said to we should go check out the rest stop. 

Y/n: (Sigh) Alright. 

I take Clem's hand and we walk forward down the path ahead of us. It's been a few months since Lee passed. Carley didn't handle it well, but she managed to get through it with time. She's been a little overprotective since he died, but I can understand why. The others, including Molly, have been helping out, too. 

Clementine: Over here. 

Y/n: Yeah, yeah. 

Clementine and I walk a little further until we come across the rest of our group. Molly, Carley, Christa, and Omid are ducked down behind some log as the rest stop we found is sitting just a little ahead of us. And while they're ducked, I can hear Omid and Christa still arguing about the name for their baby. 

Omid: What do you think? 

Christa: Omid, you can't be serious.

Omid: I am. 

Christa: We are not doing that.

Omid: Why not?

Christa: Because!

Omid: Come on, Christa. What's wrong with "Omid"?

Christa: We're not calling our baby Omid. One of you is enough.

I make a little coughing noise and they stop talking for a second, looking back to us. I look at Molly. 

Y/n: So I guess they're still arguing about baby names? 

Molly: (Sigh) They haven't stopped. Omid is dead set on naming the baby after him if it's a boy. 

Omid looks at Molly. 

Omid: Yeah, because my name is great. Why shouldn't I want to pass it down to my son? 

Carley: Because we already have one of you. 

Christa: (Smiles) Thank you, Carley. At least she's not being crazy. 

They each stand up and start walking towards the rest stop, so we follow them. As we walk towards the rest stop I notice an abandoned car out front and some knocked over bins. It's pretty common to see these days. However, Omid's still talking about the naming thing and neither he nor Christa are giving up. 

Omid: Omid the second. 

Christa: No. 

Omid: Omid Junior. 

Christa: No!

Omid: You have to admit, it has a ring to it.

I hear Molly laugh. 

Molly: Yeah, the ring of an egotistical maniac. 

Y/n: I mean, if you ask me, I think I'm with Christa on this. It would just get confusing after a while. 

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