Chapter 3: On the Farm

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It's night as Shawn's truck finally reaches his father's farm. Lee & Clementine are still in the front seat with Shawn while Y/n and Chet are in the back talking among themselves. Slowly, the truck comes to a stop after Shawn drives into the farm and Clementine looks at Lee. Everyone gets out of the truck and Y/n walks over to Clementine. He has his guitar still on his back, standing by her and Lee as Chet stretches his arms. 

Chet: Hey, Shawn, I'm'a run on home. My mama's gonna be in a snit.

Shawn: No sweat, man. I'll catch you tomorrow night.

Chet turns his attention to Lee, Clementine, and Y/n. He raises his hand and waves to them before he leaves. 

Chet: It was nice to meet ya'll. 

Lee waves goodbye and Y/n gives him a fist bump before waving to Chet as he walks back home, leaving the farm. Clementine looks at Y/n and whispers to him. She wonders how he was on the ride. 

Clementine: How was it in the back? Were you cold?  

Y/n shakes his head. 

Y/n: No, I was okay. I'm always warm, Clem. 

He winks at her and she grins. 

Y/n: Were you okay? 

Clementine: Yeah, it was okay. Though I am a little sad we had to leave my house. 

Y/n puts his hand on Clem's shoulder. 

Y/n: Don't worry, no matter where we go I'm sure our parents will find us. My mom is pretty resourceful afterall. 

Clementine: (Smiles) Yeah. 

Just then the door to the house opens and out steps an old man with grey hair in a green jacket, green pants, and work boots. This is Hershel Greene, Shawn's father and the owner of said farm. The kids and Lee turn their gaze to him as he looks at Shawn from his porch. 

Hershel: Thank god you're okay.

The old man, Hershel, walks from the porch and up to Shawn who immediately hugs him. 

Shawn: I was worried it'd be bad here, too.

Hershel: Been quiet as usual the past couple days. Ol' Breckon down the way thinks his mare's gone lame but that ain't nothing new.

The two stop hugging and Hershel looks at Shawn.

Shawn: I wouldn't have made it back without Chet.

Hershel: Well, I'm glad you took him with you then.

After a moment Hershel finally notices the trio of Lee, Clementine, and Y/n standing behind Shawn. He places his hands to his sides as he sees them and Shawn steps out of the way. 

Hershel: You've brought a couple guests.

Lee is the first to speak as he stands up straight and tries to not let his leg bother him, too much. 

Lee: Your boy's a lifesaver.

Hershel: Glad he could be of help to somebody. So it's just you and your kids then?

Shawn looks at his father, shaking his head. 

Shawn: Oh, not his kids, he's... well... Just some guy who found them alone.

Hershel turns his head to look at Lee, unsure of what to think of what his son had just told him. He looks down at the kids and kneels in front of them, looking them in the eyes as once again Y/n adjusts his hat. 

Hershel: Kids, do you know this man? 

Without hesitation, both confirm. 

Clementine: Yes.

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