Chapter 26: On the Tracks

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Looking at the train, Lee and Kenny were unsure of what to do as it sat in their way. They could try driving around it, but that wouldn't work considering how narrow of a path the RV would get. So, Ben looks at Lee. 

Ben: Why don't you and I go look around?

Lee: Yeah, everyone else relax. Clem, stay close to Kenny and Kat, or at least Y/n, okay?

Clementine: Okay. 

Lee looks at Y/n. 

Lee: Just don't stray too far away from the train. 

Y/n: Yeah. 

The two go over and sit down by Kenny and Katjaa as she holds Duck. Carley, on the other hand, decides to go with Lee. She walks up to him as she looks at the train for a second, trying to think of something they could do. 

Carley: We should check the back of the train first. There could be some useful over there. 

Lee: Alright. 

From her sitting spot, Katjaa calls over to the others who are going to check out the train. 

Katjaa: Lee, if you come across anything to drink, if there's a dining car or something, I think Duck's a bit dehydrated.

Kenny: It's a freighter, hon.

He looks at Lee and the others. 

Kenny: Be careful in there.

Lee: What, you think there might be something dangerous inside of an abandoned locomotive? Hadn't crossed my mind.

Kenny, Clementine, Y/n, and Katjaa, cradling Duck in her arms, stay seated on some logs nearby the train. Clementine sets her backpack down next to her as Y/n places his baseball bat beside it. He takes his guitar from his back and sits it down as well, looking into the forest at the trees for a moment. 

Y/n: I really hope something good comes from this train. 

Clementine: Me, too. What if we could get it working? 

Clementine looks at Y/n and he pauses. 

Y/n: Hm. I think it'd be pretty cool to ride around in a train. Never road a train before. 

Clementine: It'd be a lot safer than the RV. I think. 

Y/n nods and looks at Clementine, holding out his hands. 

Y/n: Want to play a game? 

Her face instantly lights up as she hears him, turning to his direction. As the two start playing their game together, Carley and Lee split from Ben as they go to search the one car that isn't messed up. As the two walk beside one another, they talk a little bit. 

Lee: So what do you think about the train? 

Carley: Well, it seems like it could be really useful if we can get it running. But first we need to check it out, thoroughly. I don't like the idea that just anything could be lurking back here. 

Lee: Yeah, my thoughts exactly. 

The two inch closer to the door that back car, and as Lee goes to open it, Carley pulls out her pistol just in case. He undoes the latch and opens the train door while Carley keeps her pistol trained on the door. However, there's nothing. No one's inside from what it looks like, showing the place is empty. 

Carley: (Sighs) Well look at that. 

Lee: Might just be our lucky day.

Jumping in first, Lee takes the lead and finds a bunch of random stuff inside. There are boxes, a mattress, a bottle of water, and a lawn chair. Carley jumps in next and notices the same things that Lee does. 

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