Season 3/Chapter 9: No Other Choice

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Y/N Pov. 

Javier looks at the map and Jesus says we need to find the "North Star" which I think is a constellation. I mean, I never really learned about them all that much but I do know some like...uh, the Big Dipper, Little Dipper, and Orion. 

Javier: Is that it?

I look to where he's pointing and... I have no fucking Idea. 

Y/n: Maybe. I mean, I'm not a star expert man. Ask the man cosplaying as our lord and savior if he were in Fallout 2. 

Tripp: I remember something about it facing toward the Little Dipper.

I see him look towards another constellation.

Javier: That's it. We need to go this way. 

He points.

Javier: What else is in there?

Tripp takes the supplies out of the duffel bag. There is an axe, two knives, two pistols, and a flashlight. 

Tripp: Not a whole lot. A flashlight, not enough weapons... No food.

Clementine: Deal with it.

Y/n: Yeah, man. Beggars can't be choosers. 

Jesus takes the axe, Clementine grabs a gun and knife, but I keep my baseball bat to let the others have their own weapons. Javi picks up a gun.

Conrad: Take it. Please. Take it. Call it an apology. That man back there in the tunnel...that wasn't me. Take the gun.

Tripp: Conrad, don't let the past get in the way of common sense. Give him the gun, Javi.

Conrad: I can find something along the way. Always have.

Tripp: I don't like it.

Conrad: Let the man decide.

I see Javier hold the gun out to Conrad. 

Javier: The gun is yours, Conrad. I can handle myself.

Conrad takes the gun and it seems like everything is square. I walk over to Clementine and place my hand on her cheek. 

Y/n: How are you feeling? 

Clementine: I'm alright. How about you? 

Y/n: A little annoyed we never got the chance to speak to David, but I guess our mystery will have to solve itself. 

Behind us, I hear Tripp. 

Tripp: Nobody fires a single shot unless you are deep-fucking-fried, you hear me? We don't wanna attract...whatever the hell's out there. Including you, Y/n. Light attracts these things. 

I look back. 

Y/n: I know, Tripp. This isn't my first rodeo. 

Tripp's holding a knife in his hand. He's going silent this time around. Good choice. I hold my hand out towards the others, waving it forward. 

Y/n: After you, gents. 

Our group walks away from the gate and enters the forest which is hard to navigate through because of the night. Even the light from the moon's barely enough to keep me from tripping over a log or something. I hear chirping and the sound of mosquitos buzzing around us while we're walking. 

Y/n: Fuck, I hate bugs. Especially these little vampires. 

One tries to land on me and I the heat I'm putting off of my body to ward them away. Clementine walks closer to me and I wrap my arm around her while we walk. She lays her head on me & I am just enjoying the walk, well, despite the mosquitos. Little blood sucking bastards they are. 

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