Season 2/Chapter 10: Questions & Answers

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Y/N Pov. 

As George & Madison walk around the cabin, looking at things that I guess they find interesting, we make sure to keep a close on them. We'll have to wait for the others if something arises. And by that I mean if they get jumpy, we'll either have to kill them or wait for the others to get back.

George: This is a nice place. Is there anyone around? You don't usually see cabins this big out here. Sure could pack a lot of folks in there.

Clementine: Just us and...our parents

They look back at us and I nod. 

Y/n: Yep. My parents and Clementine's. 

Madison: Is that right? What are their names if you don't mind me asking?

Clementine: My dad is Ed. His Dad is Jack. 

George: Ed and Jack. Strong names. I like them already.

Y/n: My Mother is Evelyn and her's is Diana. 

Madison: Evelyn and Diana. They sound pretty nice. Where are they? 

I can tell by the tone of Madison's voice that she's trying to keep cool, but there's definitely some interrogation going on. I don't want to give them anymore information than what they have got already. 

Clementine: They're...out. 

The two stop looking around and stand in front of us. The woman, Madison, has her eyes on me and for some reason it doesn't feel like she's just looking at me. I'm not sure if she's sizing me up or what, but it's making me feel a little uncomfortable. I guess she noticed I noticed her, so she's stopped staring at me. 

George: Well, I'll cut to the chase; I'm looking for my people. Seven of them, to be exact. They've been gone a long while and I'm worried they might've gotten lost. Maybe you've seen'em. 

Madison: Couple of farm boys and an old man. Spanish guy and his daughter. 

George looks at Clementine. 

George: Quiet girl, bit taller than you, but just a little shorter than the boy. A big black guy. This big. And a pretty little pregnant lady.

As we hear them talk about their "missing people", I understand that this guy is Carver. Clem and I look at each other for just brief instance as we can't believe what we've just heard. This isn't good... Not in the slightest. 

Y/n: I'm sorry to hear that. That's a lot of people to lose, isn't it? 

Carver: Tell me about it. This whole damn thing's a pain in the ass.

Madison: My father's right. It's very...sad. 

I see Carver enter the kitchen and we follow in after him, but Madison stays behind us. When we make it inside, I notice Carver staring at all the dishes piled up in the sink. He turns back to us as I feel that woman place her hand on my back, she starts to rub my back & I turn my head to look at her. She smiles at me and I notice Clem is looking at her, too, but I can tell that she's very mad right now. I grab her hand. 

Y/n: (Whisper) Not now.  

Clem slowly breathes out and squeezes my hand for comfort. 

Carver: That's a lotta plates for just a few people. Looks like a tornado ran through here.

Y/n: Yeah, well, we're supposed to be doing the dishes. Just haven't done them in a few days. 

I notice a knife on the table and so does Clem. 

Carver: Just passing through, or you been here a while? Hey, listen, kids. I hope you're not one of those nuts headed up north, looking for Shangri-La. Now, I'm not sure why you'd go anywhere after finding this place. Hell, I just got here and I already don't want to leave.

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