Season 3/Chapter 19: From The Gallows

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3rd Pov. 

Javier: Kate! 

Javier shoots a walker, then starts to run up to the truck. He takes cover as New Frontier soldiers fire at him. He tries to kill a walker nearing the truck, but just shoots off its leg. He fires at the New Frontier soldier, injuring one. A civilian wrestles for the other soldier's gun, but Y/n shoots the soldier with a flame bullet to drop them easily. As Javi leaves his cover, a walker knocks him over, and he shoots it. Javi reaches the truck and kicks the nearby walker that was trying to grab him. 

Javier: Kate?! Kate?!

A walker grabs his ankle, and Javi shoots it. He runs through the square as Y/n and Clementine run off to go find a place to bunker down. Y/n grabs her by the hand and they start running to a building that they can see looks fine or at least not in as much shit as the other ones. Walkers are just pouring out of the woodworks and one tries to grab Clem, by Y/n swings his baseball bat in a quick fashion to decisively bash its brains out. 

Clementine: C'mon, we're almost there. 

A group of walkers come towards them, but suddenly, out of the group, four of them start to sprint towards them. 

Y/n: Fuck, the fast ones! 

Clementine: Shit, we've gotta deal with them!

Y/n: No, shit. 

Clementine pulls out her pistol and starts shooting at them, hitting two in the head with her bullets while one tries to jump at Y/n only to receive a bat to the forehead. He follows it up by running, jumping, & swinging down onto another walker's head with a great amount of force.

 He follows it up by running, jumping, & swinging down onto another walker's head with a great amount of force

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With the fast walkers dead, Y/n got distracted for a moment and gets grabbed by a walker. He ignites his body, but it still tries to bite him; before it can, Clem shoots it in the head and she's quick to run to him. 

Clementine: Come on. 

Y/n: Thanks for that. 

Clementine: Well, I can't let my boyfriend die. Even if he does do dumb shit sometimes. 

Y/n: (Smirks) Aw, you love me. 

Clementine: Yep, and I can't change that. 

They go back over to the building which was the one where Eleanor would be staying, but before they can go in the hear the Gabe calling out for the others. He gets grabbed by a walker as it tries biting down on his arm. Gabe tries to break free, but is unable and just before he's about to get a nasty bite, the walker's speared through the dome by a lance made of flames. Gabe looks over to find Y/n and Clem, so he finally runs over to them. And by no means are they really friends, but it would piss Javier off if they chose not to save Gabe when they could have. 

Away from them, Javier is looking for Kate by the time he comes across David. 

Javier: Kate?! Gabe?! David?!

David: Over here! Where's Kate?

Javier: She's not here. She must've gotten out.

David looks at Javier. 

David: If something's happened to her, if you've gotten her... You better hope she's alive.

Javier shoves David. 

Javier: If we hadn't needed to save your ass none of this would've happened. I could've left you here to die, but I chose to come back because I'm a good brother. If anything happened to her, it is on you. Now, shut up and help me look for her. 

David: What do you think I'm doing?

The two brothers run toward the square and begin looking around for anything, any sign of Kate. The brothers yell for her when suddenly David sees a walker resembling Kate stumble and fall by a nearby building.

David: Kate!

Javier: David, wait!

David inspects the walker, and it tackles him as it tries to bite him. Javi tries to pull it away with his bat, but Kate comes out of nowhere and hits it in the head with a crowbar. The walker falls a moment later, limp and dead. 

Kate: I found you!

David: Kate, I'm so glad you're-

Kate: Javi!, thank God you're alright!

She hugs Javier much to the shock of David. 

Kate: I'm just glad you're still in one piece. Thanks for making it back to me.

Javier: Huh! Nice driving back there! You know, if you'd swerved a little more, you would have actually hit me.

Kate: Dang! I'll make sure not to miss next time.

David, getting angry, turns to see a walker. He shoots the approaching walker and stomps on its head. 

David: What the hell's the matter with you two? Focus on your surroundings!

Clementine, Y/n, and Gabe are surrounded by walkers. Y/n's not using heavy fire as to not have accidental flame splash back. 

Javier: There's the kids!

Kate: Lead the way, Javi.

Javi, Kate, and David run up to them, killing walkers on the way. At the entrance, Y/n and Clem are showing Gabe the move that Jane had taught them years back. Mostly so they'd not have to keep babysitting him. 

Clementine: Get the knee, like this!

Clem kicks a walker's knee, then stabs it in the head. Gabe does the same.

Y/n: Well, looks like someone's not a complete dumbass. Good job. 

Gabe: I got great teachers. 

The three adults finally make it back over to the kids after carving through the army of walkers that had been separating them. 

Javier: You guys alright?

Gabe: I'm fine. 

Clementine: Yeah. 

Y/n: We're still alive, for now, at least. 

Kate looks around. 

Kate: Look at them. There's so many!

David: We'll be safer inside! Get in!

The group enters the nearby building and on the way in, Clementine almost gets grabbed by a walker but Y/n saves her by pulling her closer to him. The door shuts after all are inside, but it's almost too hard to shut the door. Luckily, Y/n is able to burn the fingers of the walkers off and it shuts right after. Y/n welds the door shut & the others pile up stuff against it just in case. You can never be too sure these days. 

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