Season 4/Finale: Thank You, For Loving Me

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3rd Pov.

Reaching a dilapidated bridge, the group looks upon it and Y/n can feels something in his bones. Something that tells him it's not going to be as easy as just crossing the bridge. It's never simple.

Clementine: Okay. Just take your time. And keep moving forward.

Y/n: Yeah, will do. 

The group walks across and jumps over a truck, though Y/n has to take a minute after due to the strain on his wound. After a moment they reach a part of the bridge that is broken and is creating a gap. A gap that would not be easy for them to jump, especially not Y/n with the bolt still in him. It rubs against his organs with every step, but luckily hasn't lacerated any of them so far which is by far the luckiest thing. 

Y/n: What a hole. 

AJ: That's... far.

Tenn: Really far. 

Violet walks forward and looks at the gap. However, she feels that it's doable considering the distance isn't impossible from one side to the next. It'll just be a pain in the ass for Y/n, but for the most part not a problem. 

Violet: Should be able to jump it. It's not that far.

Clem nods in agreement. 

Clementine: Yeah, I think we can. We just gotta be careful not to land too hard.

Y/n: Says the people not filled with a crossbow bolt.

Clem and Violet look at him. His skin is paler now, his eyes barely keeping open. Only through sheer willpower has he not fallen over from the amount of blood he's lost so far. Clementine is trying not to show it, but she's worried for him as is Violet. No matter how many jokes they try making to lighten the mood. 

Clementine: It'll be okay. You're going to be okay. 

Violet: Yeah, you're not dying here. Remember what I said? I'm going to throw you guys a birthday party. That means you've got to be there to enjoy it, alive and well. So get up and-

Before she can finish, the group suddenly hears a familiar voice. One that's singing. 

Minerva: Never mind the darkness. Never mind the storm. Never mind the blood-red moon. The night will be over soon.

Minnie, holding an axe and covered in blood, approaches the group. She's been bitten by the dead and is seemingly going crazy. Tenn notices her and calls out to her, even though she isn't looking too great. 

Tenn: Minnie!

He takes a step forward, but stops when he sees the herd of walkers following Minnie.

Minerva: I did it! I found you! Oh, Tenn... My sweet little brother. Come with me.

Y/n looks over at Minnie and the herd behind her. Tenn looks at his sister and pulls back slightly.

Tenn: You're dying.

Minerva: Yes! Yes, I am. I'm finally going someplace better. I want you there with me.

Tenn: Where everyone gets to be a person again...

Minerva: We're gonna go be with Mom, and Dad, and Sophie. Together. It won't be real if you're not there.

Clementine looks at Tenn and tries to make him snap out of whatever thought he's in as the sound of groaning from the herd behind her can be heard. 

Clementine: Tenn, snap out of it! She wants to kill you!

Tenn: I-I know, but I-

A gunshot is fired into the air and they find Minnie holding a gun. 

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